Thanks Gustaf - replies inline...

On Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 10:38, Gustaf Neumann <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> We do not have nswebpush somewhere in production. Can you tell more
> precisely, what "suddenly" means?
About lunchtime on 2nd Aug!

> Does this mean, that you have not changed anything in your environment,
> but google started to refuse it?
Yes exactly...

We've worked out what was angering Google - it was a version of this code
in our case:

Construction of the json from the claim dict was treating "exp" as a string
rather than numeric.
Just as an illustration, this quick hack makes the "make test" run cleanly
in the nswebpush codebase:

    proc dictToJson {dict} {
        # Serializes a Tcl dict to compact JSON.  No testing for
        # nested dicts or arrays, these will be simply added as a
        # string the JSON is in compact form, meaning no whitespaces
        # and newlines between keys/values.

        set pairs {}
        dict for {key value} $dict {
            regsub -all \" $key "\\\"" key
            regsub -all \" $value "\\\"" value
            if { $key eq "exp"} {
                lappend pairs [subst {"$key":$value}]
            } else {
                lappend pairs [subst {"$key":"$value"}]
        return "{[join $pairs ,]}"

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