Hello, I've been struggling with a problem for a few days now. First I
thought it's something with my understanding of NX, but I think its has to
do something with Naviserver.
I have a global library named "oodz" in my tcl folder, insideI have some
subfolders with my NX classes. I have an init.tcl file inside. According to
documentation this "init.tcl" file executed first. First thing I do is
looping through my subfolders and sourcing my NX Classes. It works fine as
expected. Next Im creating some instances of classes I need inside
I made a simple example, to show: I have an NX class like that:

nx::Class create b {
> :method init {} {
> :say
> }
> :public method say {} {
> puts "Im class B"
> }
> }
> nx::Class create c {
> :method init {} {
> :say
> }
> :public method say {} {
> puts "Im class C"
> }
> }
> nx::Class create a {
> :property -accessor public inBObj:object
> :property -accessor public inCObj:object
> :method init {} {
> set :inBObj [b new]
> set :inCObj [c new]
> }
> :public method myObjs {} {
> puts "My B obj is: [${:inBObj} info name]"
> puts "My C obj is: [${:inCObj} info name]"
> }
> }

In my "init.tcl" I have line: a create aObj

Here's what's happenin:
1. I can see in the server log that aObj was created, I see line:
Im class B, Im class C

2. If I open nsshell console, and run aObj cget:
aObj cget -inBObj
aObj cget -inCObj

3. But when I try to run myObjs, I get an error:
aObj myObjs
invalid command name "::nsf::__#3"

The same code works fine in tcl shell, is it related to Naviserver? Or am I
doing something wrong with NX?

Thank you
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