On 13 January 2013 14:30, Vivek Nagaraj <nagaraj.vi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a quick question. Can you please suggest me platform (OS) and tools
> (IDE) used to develop and test feature/bugs?

Basic advice - use what you are most comfortable with.
I do most of my development on Linux, with a command-line terminal.

If you're happier using an IDE, or on a different OS, then use that.
For most things, it doesn't really matter.
   The main exception is when you're implementing an agent MIB module,
where you need to pull data from the underlying system.  This *does*
tend to be very O/S-specific.
   But most of the client-side stuff, the main agent framework, and the
library code should be more-or-less O/S independent.

> I seem a bit confused at the moment considering a few options such as
> Windows with Cygwin or MSVC and Linux (any flavor) with gcc.

Linux/gxx is probably the "core" development environment for most
of the development team.   But there will be some who naturally
work in a different setup.
   Don't worry too much about it - go for what works best for you.
Whatever you come up with will be tested/tweaked to work with
other systems anyway.


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