Hi all,
My net-snmp's version is 5.4.1, and I want to add a mib module into the snmpd.
I do not want to use the configure's option "--with-mib-modules" to add this 
mib module, because it consumes so much time.

First step, I use mib2c to generate the mib code and add some codes to obtain 
the data.
Second step, I modify the makefiles under agent and agent/mibgroup, just follow 
other modules' style.
Third step, I add the initialize function into mib_module_inits.h, just like 
if(should_init("xxxx")) init_xxx();

But it does not work at all! It told me that "No such object available on the 
agent at this OID" @_@
And I add some debug msg into the initialize function, just like 
DEBUGMSGTL("xxx", "initializing\n"), but when I use -D"xxx", there is no output.
So I think this mib module do not add into the snmpd, but the codes has been 
compiled, and I can use nm to find the funciont symbol in the libnetsnmpmibs.so.

So I think the should_init("xxx") does not work correctly. But when I see the 
initlist, I do not know how to add my mib into this list, so it does not work.

I need your help, thanks a lot.

Randy Long
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