On 25 July 2012 14:04, mohamad hosein jafari <smhjafar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I downloaded for linux and windows
> But I didn't install it on windows.

So you are using the Microsoft-provided SNMP agent,
rather than the Net-SNMP agent - is that correct?

That is quite an important distinction - so it's useful that we've
established this now.   You would have got *very* confused
trying to follow instructions for the Net-SNMP agent, if you're
actually using the MS version!

> Is configuration step like tis link step on windows service not
> Enough ؟؟(without using cmd?)
> http://www.helpsystems.com/support/help-facts/configuring-windows-xp-send-snmp-traps-robottrapper

Probably - yes.
This list is for support of the Net-SNMP software, so we can't really help with
anyone else's products.   But at first sight, those instructions look reasonable
for configuring the Windows agent to send traps to the receiver you've now
got running.

Follow those through (using the same IP address as before), and the
restart the Windows SNMP agent.   I would expect to see a similar
log message being received by the snmptrapd daemon
(and hence appearing in /var/log/messages)

You shouldn't need to install the Net-SNMP agent on your Windows box,
if you're happy to use the Microsoft one.


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