Hi Aymeric, everyone,

Sorry reply is a bit late now..

On 23/10/2008, "aymeric mansoux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>maybe it was demudi?

Yes that's it. It more or less got me off Gnome straight away, and I
enjoyed using it :-)  I'm back on the Gnome again just recently. One
big improvement (IMHO) in Gnome is that it's now easy to change the
colours of (certain) themes, woohoo. But there's several dislikes such
as a lot of not-so-small pkg dependencies, which, along with limited
configuration (and the gconf editor) give it the feel of a major
proprietry OS unpopular amongst lusers.

>We used fluxbox in the very early pure:dyne iterations, but we quickly
>realised that during workshops we really need something that provides as
>much graphical helpers as possible. XFCE is good for that, it's very
>light and fast on modest machines and has a complete desktop.  Also,
>even though fluxbox is really good, it's one of these desktop that is
>not minimal enough to provide a barebone wm, and it's too minimal to
>provide a user experience similar to what is available in typical
>desktop based wm.

>Concerning Debian, I can't recall if I mentionned it previously, our
>goal is also not to leave our packages in a nich repository, the mid
>term plan for the pure:dyne team is to start moving as much things as
>possible in Debian itself, so it will benefit to an even wider

Good stuff. But does this mean pure:dyne is a tempory project? Or will
pure:dyne be more cutting edge than Debian? Certainly though, Debian is
not tailored in the same way as the multimedia specific distros.

>> Does pure:dyne come in 64bit flavour? (and any chance of ordering a
>> live/install DVD btw?)
>pure:dyne is 32bit only at the moment, which of course works perfectly
>fine on 64bit CPU. We'll start exploring 64bit when we consider the live
>system and the environment that produces it, are stable enough and well
>We are also in discussion with 64studio, who contacted us a while ago,
>to start to think about long term collaboration.
>There are no CD/DVD available to order, it's only available as direct
>downloads or torrents.
>But, the next milestone, leek and potato, will be available as liveUSB
>keys that we will sell, we're still trying to figure out how to do that
>with as little extra cost added to make it cheap, but sustainable. For
>those in London tonight, you'll be able to get one or see it in action.

I'm in the dark ages of the 'net here. No broadband and it's hassle to
get friends to download ISO's for me, so a liveUSB key would be a good
thing for people like me. Hopefully BT is (going to be/meant to be??)
rolling out upgrades to it's exchanges in the not-too-distant future.

>> >Of course there are important variations within this field as well. For
>> >example an artist who can program might build an imaginary based on a
>> >very badly programmed, but creative software art, or an artistic
>> >interpretation of technology that would sound like pseudoscience. At the
>> >other extreme, a programer making art will have the tendency to focus
>> >much more be in the technical process and the manifestations of this
>> >underlying mechanics would be treated as side effects or illustrations
>> >of these.
>> I found this quite interesting. If neither programming nor art is earning
>> one a living, how can one tell if they're a programmer making art or an
>> artist writing code? Hang on, there's a clue at the end of the
>> paragraph... Yes I agree there, with the illustrations analogy.
>I think the issue with software art is that it is interdisciplinary,
>which is, at the same time, its greatest quality, but also its curse. It
>is still too often that today software artists are left in a
>academe/institutional limbo because they are either considered too geeky
>or too arty depending the point of view of the single discipline that
>examines it. But I think is a general problem for any
>(multi|cross|trans|inter)disciplinary practice and research :)

Ok, I can understand that. Frustrating.


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