Hi Rob,

>Yes. Many of the texts are available online elsewhere. And all are
>under at least one Free licence in the book, so readers of the book
>are free to copy and share what they need to.

Cool - I will have another look, perhaps a few Internet searches are
called for ;-)

I did just recently notice on Mute (http://tinyurl.com/56l47w) something
written by Armin Medosch refering to Simon Yuill's text. "The critique
of Simon Yuill's text is mixed with reflections about the problem of the
relationship between media art and Free, Libre and Open Source Software

called -
ONE LOVE: How FLOSS Can Make True All the Promises
of the Avantgarde (yet would kill 'art' by doing so)

At the moment, 'thenextlayer' Drupal site is down.
I have emailed Armin asking him when it will be up again.


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