Changeover - Open Call for Submissions.

What could be more temporary than guerilla exhibitions in a Temporary 
Art Space during the taking down of one show and the hanging of the 
next? Every day promises to be different with variable opening times 
according to the hanging schedule. The public will be able to see the 
inner workings of a gallery as the parasitic 'Changeover' exhibitions 
attempt to occupy an ever decreasing space. You could propose to use the 
whole space or a part of it for one hour, one day or propose a project 
that runs for the whole duration of 'Changeover'.

Changeover dates:

Friday 27th March – Friday 3rd April 2009
Friday 24th April – Friday 1st May 2009
Friday 29th May – Friday 5th June 2009
Friday 26th June – Friday 3rd July 2009
Friday 31st July – Friday 7th August 2009

Artists should bear in mind that limited gallery space will be available 
during changeover and there will be through-traffic and installation 
work undertaken, email proposals with supporting images (under 10MB 
total) and web links to:

Temporary Art Space is an unfunded, artist-run project with a lifespan 
of six months, situated in the magnificent Grade 1 listed Piece Hall in 
Halifax and co-directed by Alice Bradshaw, Bob Milner, Tom Senior, Kevin 
Boniface & Georgia Boniface.
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