There's been a lot of good debate here concerning the Boomberg boycott. I have 
to say that I haven't seen the cartoon that accompanied the call so that may 
have changed the direction of my thought on this - I only get a text version of 
the list. I cannot speak for the intentions of those who initiated the call I 
can only speak for my interpretation, which is neither right or wrong unless 
you consider Rob's comment about "truth" seriously (i don't - and by the way 
Rob your giving us a false choice between absolute truth and relativism - maybe 
get caught up on you postmod theory huh).   anyway, my interpretation was that 
the boycott was not focussed on Bloombergs jewishness. There's many reasons why 
Bloomberg is a good choice of target.

Let's change his name for a minute to John Smith

O.k. John Smith is a billionaire media mogul whose networks run a constant 
propaganda campaign for the support of Israeli policy in occupied palestine

John Smith is the mayor of New York city, one of the most visual political 
posts in the world.

John Smith uses his post to vocalize agressively and more than many of his 
contemporaries his support for sending more U.S. tax dollars to fund Israeli 
war crimes even while cutting city services, slashing school and health 
programs, and laying off workers in New York City.

John Smith is also is in the fine art business and very clearly represents the 
corporatization of the art market and all the harm that that does in 
controlling the parameters of what art can be.

Seems like an ideal target to me if his name was John Smith.

So the question to me is - should we NOT boycott him BECAUSE his name is 
Bloomberg and not John Smith?

So if this protest were against Rupert Murdoch - who is not nearly as good of a 
target because to my knowledge has no investment in the art world and therefore 
would make little sense as institutional critique - then it would be fine 
because he's not jewish.

I'm giving everyone's opinions an honest appraisal but I'm not coming around 
yet. Of course I didn't see the cartoon either - maybe that was the offesive 
part and i missed it.

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