Dear people, watching the discussion on relativism, I thought some of 
you may be interested in

*Moral Relativism* by Steven Lukes - just published.

A good review in THES by Robert Segal:


Tom Corby

Simon Biggs wrote:
> But I am a relativist and happy to defend it ;)
> I am also a sceptic and a nihilist (in the precise sense of the term). 
> Any specific position, such as humanism or socialism, any particular 
> theism, involves a belief system of some kind. This removes one’s 
> capacity to consider everything as up for grabs...
> As an artist I feel obliged to question everything. The main fault in 
> Rob’s argument is that it is premised on moral its 
> centre there stands a sacred cow.
> I haven’t seen all the details of the original call to protest against 
> Bloomberg. However, I think he is a valid target. There are also other 
> valid targets. Tony Blair’s work as a so-called mediator in the 
> Middle-East has been so biased he should also be a target – although 
> I’d like to see him done for war-crimes elsewhere first. After that we 
> can throw the book at him for his current hypocrisy.
> Regards
> Simon
> On 20/2/09 18:32, "mark cooley" <> wrote:
>     > Do you know what a "straw man" argument is?
>     > It's where someone argues
>     > against a caricature of someone else's argument rather
>     > than against
>     > that argument itself. You are doing that here.
>     You replied to Simon's criticism of your claim to know truth and
>     your reaction was against relativism NOT in support of your claim
>     to know truth, but to attack relativism. Simon never brought up
>     relativism. That's the straw man you've put up! Defend your own
>     argument that somehow you have access to absolute truth rather
>     than bashing Simon for something that he didn't say. Simon wasn't
>     making a case for relativism he was questioning absolute truth.
>     That is not the same thing. One can not believe in absolute truth
>     and also NOT be a relativist. It's easy. Much of so-called
>     postmodern theory explains the basis for this quite well. You want
>     names of authorities - I could list them all day - what difference
>     would it make? You'd just quote others to refute it. What's the
>     point? It's clear we have different values on these issues.
> Simon Biggs
> Research Professor
> edinburgh college of art
> AIM/Skype: simonbiggsuk
> Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number 
> SC009201
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