Darren Reed writes:
> I never even knew about 3XNET...why would I want it?

Ancillary data doesn't work in 3SOCKET.  It does in 3XNET.  That's the
big reason.

> What does the standards compliance give me besides the
> tags words "standards compliance"?

I don't care a whit about buzzword compliance of any sort.  However,
the existence of the standards is intended to provide for *better*
portability of applications.

> And how does anyone learn about 3XNET if "man socket", etc,
> will show 3SOCKET first and using it gives them either 100% of
> what they want or very close to it?

Agreed; it's a real mess.

> As for *_r being seldom needed, we need to be more forward
> thinking than that, especially considering niagara and threads.

You have to have a multithreaded application that is walking the name
service databases in multiple threads at the same time (setprotoent/
getprotoent/endprotoent in each) for it to matter much, which is why I
claim it's "seldom needed."  The rest of the functionality is likely
better handled by getaddrinfo/getnameinfo, which are already

I think it'd be better just to make the ordinary lookup functions
thread-safe.  Special *_r entry points are pretty ugly to me and make
coding for multithreaded applications much harder than necessary.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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