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"I'll never forget that horrible evening I took my grandmother to the
emergency room.  After an hour of pacing, the doctor said, 'Sir, your
grandmother is on an artificial life support system. Although her brain is
dead, her heart is still beating.'  I said, 'Oh, NO!  We've never had a
Democrat in the family before."

- Forwarded by a News & Views reader

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State of the Union

OK, I just got in after watching the President's State-of-the-Union speech
at a private screening at the White House (pretty cool!) with a couple dozen
other conservative leaders - including Paul Weyrich, Jim Martin, Victor
Schwartz and Kay Daly - so I haven't had the benefit of hearing what the
insta-pundits are saying about the address.  But here are a few of my
personal observations:

1.)  The lingering stench of Bill Clinton is finally beginning to fade as
America is once again reminded by this president exactly what an American
president is supposed to be.  If I had to sum up President Bush's SOTU in
one word it would be this: "sincerity."  He was dripping with it.  He said
everything he meant, and you went away KNOWING that he meant everything he
said.  Either that, or he's a better actor than my two-year-old...and I
doubt that VERY much.  What a sea change from his predecessor - who recited
his lines very well but was obviously just mouthing what his pollsters, Dick
Morris, James Carville and Paul Begala told him to say.  What a difference
and election makes.

2.)  While there were a lot of great lines in the speech for conservatives -
and all Americans, for that matter - to cheer about, I think my favorite
was, "No one has ever been healed by a frivolous lawsuit."  And that look on
the face of ambulance-chaser Sen. John Edwards as the president delivered
this line was worth its weight in gold.  Nice camera-work Fox News!

3.)  The sand in the hour-glass for Saddam Hussein's reign of terror is
almost gone.  This guy has just about enough time to pack his bags and
vamoose before a Made-In-the-USA rocket blows his keister from here to
kingdom come.  The day of Iraqi liberation is at hand.  Maybe the guy can
move in with Sen. Patty Murray.

4.)  And lastly, the President's personal message to the troops put a lump
in my throat:  "Many of you are assembling in and near the Middle East, and
some crucial hours may lie ahead.  In those hours, the success of our cause
will depend on you.  Your training has prepared you.  Your honor will guide
you.  You believe in America, and America believes in you."  Amen.

But on the drive home, a crazy thought hit me.

Many of those same men and women about to go into battle in defense of this
nation, its people and our liberties...can't even drink a friggin' cold
Budweiser legally.  If these men and women are responsible enough that the
fate of the entire free world hangs in their hands, shouldn't we trust them
to enjoy Miller Time once the shooting's over without having to worry about
being busted by the local cops for underage drinking?  Isn't that the least
a grateful nation can do?

I know.  Crazy, right?

- Chuck Muth, Editor

The Definition of "Evil"

"Know this:  Saddam Hussein is as dangerous a man as exists on this planet
at this time, and if there is one who is more evil, it is hard to see how.

"A New York Times story this past Sunday tells how he has personally
murdered those who oppose him, how he has killed as many as 200,000 in his
gulag, how he has started wars killing more hundreds of thousands, how he
has ordered inmates slaughtered because of overcrowding in prisons, how he
has organized a supposedly religious campaign in which women are beheaded by
sword in public settings."

- Columnist Jay Ambrose

Iraqi Version of Fish-Wrapped-in-Newspaper

"Saddam Hussein has ordered official death certificates sent to Iraqi
scientists' families as a chilling warning against aiding U.N. inspectors,
The Post has learned.  Word of the death certificates containing prominent
scientists' names has reached Iraqi exile groups.  'The message is, they
will die a terrible death if they cooperate - and the death will be legally
listed as an accident or result of an illness,' said one exile."

- New York Post, 1/28/03

Maybe Even 99-1

"Mr. Bush is sending 150,000 troops to the (Persian Gulf) region.  It's
unlikely he'll let them sit there through the Middle East summer or, having
sent them, bring them home.  The chances of war this winter seem to be 70-30
or perhaps 80-20."

- Columnist Morton Kondracke

Bush's War on Women?

"For the first time, the White House and both Senate and House majorities
are aligned in anti-choice lockstep. If the president's anti-choice judicial
nominees are confirmed, the scales of justice are sure to tip. Make no
mistake. This country is already at war. And it's a war on women. A
right-wing judiciary is all that is necessary to deliver the final blow to
women's most basic human rights."

- Susanne Martinez, vice president of public policy at the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America

Inquiring Minds Wanna Know

"Why is making money only a crime when the wealth creator is a Republican?"

- Stephen Moore, president, Club for Growth

Here's a "Radical" Idea

" This month, (Rep. Ron) Paul (R-Texas) introduced to Congress the Identity
Theft Protection Act of 2003, based on the radical notion that getting the
government out of the privacy invasion business is the best way to keep
identity thieves at bay.

"...The ID Theft Act would, among other things, require the Social Security
Administration to issue all Americans new SSN's within five years and forbid
the release of the new number for any purpose not directly related to the
administration of Social Security benefits. In effect this would be a return
to the original intent of the number.'

- Jon Caldara, president of the Independence Institute

Entitlement Mentality

The city of Key West, Florida, is clamping down on the beggars and bums of
their "homeless" population.  Naturally, defenders of the "right" to not
work, not bathe and not pay rent are outraged.

"It's not against the law to be homeless," Velez Coleman, a formerly
homeless stripper tells the Associated Press.  "They should give us a place
to sleep if they don't want people to see us."

Note for the record that "they" means people who work for a living and pay
taxes, as well as pay rent and mortgages.  And "us" means people who don't
work, don't pay taxes and don't pay rent.

It still amazes me that such people somehow feel the rest of us "owe" them
something.  Where do they get this entitlement mentality?

The Goldwater Doctrine

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Barry Goldwater, "The Conscience of a Conservative"

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Chuck Muth
P.O. Box 15307
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