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Chump Champ

Lennox Lewis was getting his clocked cleaned Saturday night against Vitali
Klitschko.  He was lucky the ref stopped the fight because of a cut over
Klitschko's eye.  Vitali was ahead in the fight and having Lewis for lunch.
The belt was his for the taking...but the unfortunate cut gave Lewis an
undeserved TKO.

Despite having the snot unexpectedly beat out of him over six furious
rounds, Lewis didn't even have the grace to acknowledge his opponent's
showing and heart.  Rematch?  Only if the "money" is right, said the
heavyweight champ.

Chump is more like it.

(See, and you all thought all I did was politics!)


About those tests.  Many of you have written (surprisingly) siding with the
government and not the Founding Fathers over whether or not the Bryant
family's home schooled children should be forced to take the standardized
public school proficiency test.  Seems a lot of you have bought into Hillary
's "it takes a village to raise a child" philosophy.  Nevertheless, yes, I
will relay your questions and concerns over the tests in my interview with
Kim Bryant.  Tomorrow evening at 8:00 p.m. (EST) on "Always Right with Chuck
Muth."  Be there or be square.  The link to listen in is...

Yes, Yes, Yes...I Have It Right Here

Per many of your requests:  With regard to the Annapolis, Maryland (home to
the United States Naval Academy) alderman, Democrat (big surprise, huh?)
Cynthia Carter, who wishes to ban toy guns and fine parents whose kids are
caught playing with them outdoors.  Carter believes she has the five votes
necessary to pass this stupid ban, including that of the mayor (another
Democrat, go figure).  Some actually think this ridiculous, left-wing,
feel-good idea might pass unanimously - which would include the votes of the
two Republican members on the city council.  I hope that's not true (and
have already emailed them to that effect).  If you, too, would like to
contact Carter, Mayor Moyer, the two GOP council members or any of the other
aldermen, the place to go for their contact info is:

Flip-Floppin' to the Left

"Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is suddenly lurching further to the left in
what is being called a politically calculated move to keep antiwar candidate
Howard Dean from passing him in the pivotal New Hampshire presidential
primary race.

"The senator gambled on the about-face strategy last week as Mr. Dean closed
in on the polls in New Hampshire, propelled by antiwar activists who are
angry about Mr. Kerry's support of the Iraq war.

"...Three days after Mr. Kerry refused to answer a question on ABC's 'This
Week' about whether President Bush misled the country on the existence of
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - saying, 'It would be irresponsible of
me' to do so - the senator told an antiwar crowd in New Hampshire that Mr.
Bush 'misled every one of us.' "

- Donald Lambro, Washington Times, 6/22/03

Ambulance Chasers Conspire to Attack Big Macs

"Trial lawyers, public health officials and consumer advocates chewed the
fat yesterday about how to successfully sue and regulate the fast-food
industry for serving unhealthy foods.

"At an obesity litigation conference in Boston, about 120 attendees
discussed planned lawsuit methods similar to ones used to sue tobacco
companies. Those methods included using guerrilla lawsuits - several types
of unexpected filings - against food companies, fast-food chains and
restaurants, and pushing the envelope with cases that appear 'frivolous' to
get bigger results and larger settlements."

- Washington Times, 6/22/03

Freedom-Loving White Males to the Rescue

"California lawyer Stephen Joseph said the largest opponent lawyers could
face (in the war against fast foods) would be 'the conservative, right-wing
public.'  (Hey, that's us!)  Mr. Joseph said he received thousands of angry
e-mails from men when he sued Nabisco last month for not disclosing the
trans fats in its Oreo cookies. . . . 'It's white males who love freedom
versus moms who care about what their kids eat,' Mr. Joseph told the crowded
room yesterday afternoon."

- Washington  Times, 6/22/03

Costly Fix

"The Senate wants to pile a costly prescription drug subsidy on top of the
tumbling Medicare edifice. This is called a benefit rather than a tax, but
there is no such thing as a benefit without a cost.  The plan is to tax and
spend some $400 billion over 10 years to subsidize even the wealthiest old
folks at the expense of even the poorest young workers."

- Columnist Alan Reynolds

The Goldwater Doctrine

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Barry Goldwater, "The Conscience of a Conservative"

Break Out the Cots

"Senate Democrats have taken advantage of every parliamentary maneuver
available, including the filibuster, to obstruct President Bush's judicial
nominations. . . . If Democrats were forced to stage a real filibuster, they
would have to follow the fairly stringent rules for carrying on a filibuster
and Republicans would be required to maintain a quorum to force the
filibuster to continue indefinitely, lest the Democrats end debate and go
home for a good night's rest.

"...Following a few days of a real forced filibuster, most Democrats would
peel away from their irresponsible obstructionism one-by-one, and the public
would see on the nightly news exactly who is really obstructing the business
of the people.

"Therefore, Senate Republicans should forget procedural shenanigans, break
out the cots and arrest a few senators, if necessary. There's no better way
to show support for the president's nominees than to actually fight for them
rather than staging an ersatz fight and letting them languish for years in
political purgatory."

- Lawrence Hunter and Shaun Small of Empower America

Fix Social Security NOW

"In the last presidential election, Social Security loomed large as an
issue. This time around, no one is talking about it - and that's too bad.
The future of elderly entitlements is the most serious domestic policy issue
this nation faces.

"...The time to act is now, well before the Baby Boomers start retiring. The
longer we delay reform, the worse the problem will get, and the more
difficult it will be to do anything about it."

- Harry Alford of the National Black Chamber of Commerce and John C. Goodman
of the National Center for Policy Analysis

Gay Marriage a Conservative Victory?

"Conservatives want to preserve traditional marriage as the foundation of
our society.  Homosexuals want the legal recognition, rights and duties that
go with matrimony.  They can't both get their way, can they?

"Actually, they can - which is why the rabid opposition has always been a
bit puzzling.  This is a case where one group can be accommodated without
any sacrifice from the other.  Letting gays marry doesn't damage what
heterosexuals have, any more than giving blacks the vote meant taking it
away from whites.

"...If the women on 'Sex and the City' marched to the altar, traditionalists
would rejoice at their decision to abandon casual affairs in favor of
permanent commitments.  But when gays want to embrace old-fashioned
monogamy, traditionalists are horrified.  They shouldn't be.  Gay marriage
would encourage gays to accept a more - what's the word? - conservative

"...Gay marriage isn't a repudiation of the values conservatives prize.
It's an affirmation."

- Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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