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Much Needed Lesson in Freedom TONIGHT!

Kim Bryant, the home educator who dares to cite the Constitution in her
battle with Massachusetts government bureaucrats over the education of her
children, tells us all about it in an enlightening, thought-provoking
one-hour interview tonight on "Always Right with Chuck Muth."

Mrs. Bryant discusses and answers many of your questions and concerns,
including her and her husband's educational backgrounds, the reasons she
opposes forcing her kids to take the "standardized" tests, the concern about
"dumb" parents, "socialization" of home-schooled kids, the fear over parents
home-teaching kids to be fundamentalist Muslims or pagans, the problem not
getting an "official" diploma from the school system causes for employers,
the government's "case" against her, the threats to snatch her kids from
their home, and much, much more.

Tune in tonight at 8:00 p.m. (EST) for "Always Right with Chuck Muth,"
featuring an extremely intelligent, courageous and principled American, Kim
Bryant.  The link to listen in is...

Do As We Say, Not As We Do

"Israel struck another blow for Middle East peace Saturday night, killing
Abdullah Kawasmeh, head of Hamas's 'military wing' in the West Bank, when
Kawasmeh tried to evade arrest. The  Jerusalem Post reports that Kawasmeh
was implicated in at least 35 terrorist murders, and that Secretary of State
Colin Powell said of the killing: 'I regret we had an incident that could be
an impediment to progress.'

"Meanwhile, London's Observer reports that a U.S. Hellfire missile strike
hit a convoy in Iraq last week and may have hit Saddam Hussein and one of
his sons. . . . No word from Powell whether the killing of Saddam would be
'an impediment to progress.'"

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 6/23/03

Potter-mania Runs Wild

"Early reports are now in. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix made
U.S. publishing history for the biggest opening sales ever. Five million
copies flew out of stores Saturday alone, U.S. publisher Scholastic says."

- USA Today, 6/23/03

Dems in Potter's Debt

"Each of the nine (Democrat) candidates for President should - right now -
tell their finance chairmen to purchase about 5,000 Harry Potter books. They
need to thank J.K. Rowling for getting Hillary's mug off the front page of
every newspaper, and end the All-Hillary-All-The-Time TV chat show

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 6/23/03

Leno On Hillary's Book

"Hillary Clinton's book hits the stores this Monday. Oh boy, it took her a
long time to write it. But in her defense, every time she tried to use the
desk, Bill was always using it for a date."

"In Hillary Clinton's new book 'Living History,' Hillary details what it was
like meeting Bill Clinton, falling in love with him, getting married, and
living a passionate, wonderful life as husband and wife. Then on page two,
the trouble starts."

- Tonight Show host Jay Leno

Powerful Words

"You have the power to take our country back! You have the power! You have
the power! You have the power!"

- Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean shouting at supporters in
Burlington, Vermont, on Monday

In Dire Need of Some Anger Management

"Across the country Republicans and conservatives are asking each other the
same basic question: Has the other side gone crazy? Have the Democrats
totally flipped their lids? Because every day some Democrat seems to make a
manic or totally over-the-top statement about George Bush, the Republican
party, and the state of the nation today.

"...When conservatives look at the newspapers, they see liberal columnists
who pick out every tiny piece of evidence or pseudo-evidence of Republican
vileness, and then dwell on it and obsess over it until they have lost all
perspective and succumbed to fevers of incoherent rage."

- Columnist David Brooks, The Weekly Standard

Mass Destruction According to Denny

"We knew there weren't any weapons of mass destruction. That was a fraud.
I've been a mayor of a city, and I understand where the weapons are, Mr.
Bush. You come to urban America. We'll show you weapons of mass destruction.
Homelessness is a weapon of mass destruction. And joblessness is a weapon of
mass destruction. Poor health care is a weapon of mass destruction. And
lying to the American people is a weapon of mass destruction."

- Democrat presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich

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* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News & Views e-newsletter.

Just go to: <> today.

Freedom At Risk When Good People Do Nothing

"(In) Waltham, Massachusetts...a family has been threatened with having
their two children forcefully removed from their custody by local school
officials for 'refusing to fill out paperwork'. . . . There are many
encroachments on our liberties taking place these days, and it will continue
as long as good men and women do nothing. Blaming the government won't work.
If we all end up in chains in the future, we will only have ourselves to

- J.J. Johnson, publisher,

U.S. Re-Education Camps Have Worked Their Magic

"The fact that so many, even among your conservative readers, believe in
government control of education demonstrates the effectiveness of
government-monopoly public schools at indoctrinating people with the belief
that government knows best."

- News & Views reader David Levenstam

Standardized Schmandarized

"Why are the (college) students I get each term, many of whom are JUST out
of high school and ALL of whom are classed as 'qualified' by their
respective institutions -- why are they unable to read simple English
instructions and unable to spell and, in many cases, unable to bind several
words together in order to make a coherent sentence?

"As a general statement of what I have found and perhaps as a question you
might ask of the powers that be: WHY can my (community college) students not
do simple addition and subtraction? Why are fractions foreign to them? Why
do they not understand decimals?  Why do the cashiers at stores not know how
to subtract to make change?

"What exactly is being proved by the standardized tests other than that the
students taking them have learned (been taught) to take tests?"

- News & Views reader Bob Iles

Take Standardized Testing w/Grain of Salt

"Depending what information has been presented to him at what time, your
(home schooled) child may or may not score well on a standardized test.  The
tests are designed to measure students against what they NORMALLY learn
within the course of a particular year.  If you vary from that at all, the
test scores (reflect) it.

"One good example is classical education.  For the first several years, your
student may not score well on standardized tests if you teach with a
classical education emphasis - mostly because the test asks questions that
you haven't covered yet.  Your student may have no idea about Native
American religious rites in third grade, for example, but she can wax poetic
about the rise and fall of the ancient Egyptians.  As with so many things,
you need to take standardized testing with a grain of salt."

- "Homeschooling for Dummies"

Home-Schooling for the Educationally-Challenged

"If you took it, you can teach it.  Did you make it through the second
grade?  Then you can teach second-grade math and reading. . . . (W)hen your
child brings questions to you that you can't answer off the top of your
head, you learn together.  Hand in hand with your child, you read through
the textbook or research at the library or on the Internet."

- "Homeschooling for Dummies"

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
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* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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