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Cannon Fodder

There's a new development and update on the trials (literally) and
tribulations of deadbeat congressman Chris Cannon of Utah.  It's a shame we
don't tar-and-feather con men like him any longer.  Read all the sordid
details in a new "Muth's Truths" column at

Trashing the Gipper

What should conservatives do about the upcoming CBS mini-series which
trashes Ronald and Nancy Reagan:  Boycott the sponsors...or blow the whole
thing off as another typical Hollywood smear that we just can't do anything
about?  Cast your ballot by clicking on the "Survey Says!" button at

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Sen. Joe Lieberman has put a "hold" on Mike Leavitt, the President's choice
to head the EPA, saying he doesn't have enough information on the
nominee...which really has some Republicans in the Senate steamed.  As the
Hill reports, "Of 27 meetings that have taken place this year before both
the full (Environment and Public Works) committee and subcommittees
Lieberman sits on, the presidential candidate has attended just two."  This
led Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) to declare Lieberman's obstruction
 "outrageous" since Lieberman "won't even come to our hearings, let alone
the confirmation hearing."

Nerves are getting a little raw as Congress winds down and the election
season heats up.

Taking the Gloves Off

As noted in yesterday's DC Confidential, Senate Republicans have just about
come to the end of their rope in this standoff with Ted Kennedy, Hillary
Clinton, Chuck Schumer and Pat Leahy over President Bush's judicial
nominations.  While some GOP senators would just like to look the other way
on the judges fight and move on to other business, conservative grassroots
activists have been hammering Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist for being
too timid in his efforts to break the rolling filibusters.

The GOP base is highly agitated over this issue, and Frist and the White
House can't ignore it any longer.  So, according to conservative columnist
Robert Novak, Frist is about to mount a new three-stage campaign designed to
turn the heat up on the Democrats.  Novak writes:

"Phase One: Start this week with a cloture vote on the nomination of U.S.
District Judge Charles Pickering Sr. of Mississippi for the 5th Circuit in
New Orleans. Pickering, bottled up in the Judiciary Committee during the
2001-02 Democratic interregnum, has just been sent to the Senate floor.

"Phase Two: Next, order a cloture vote for the second time on Alabama State
Attorney General William Pryor for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta. Claims by
opponents that Pryor's 'deeply held beliefs' taint him for the court have
produced accusations of anti-Catholicism.

"Phase Three: Vote on three female nominees. Attempts to get cloture on
Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen's nomination for the 5th Circuit
has failed three times. California Superior Court Judge Carolyn Kuhl's
two-year-old nomination for the 9th Circuit in San Francisco is coming to
the Senate floor for the first time. Just released by the Judiciary
Committee and already threatened with a filibuster is California Supreme
Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown, an African-American.

"Failure to reach 60 votes for cloture on each of these three women is
scheduled to be followed by consideration of the bill co-sponsored by Frist
and conservative Democratic Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia. That measure would
reduce the number of votes needed to end filibusters on nominations. That,
too, will be filibustered in order to defeat it.

"All this refocusing is intended to set the scene for a bitter battle in
next year's session of Congress. At that time, an effort may be made to rule
out of order a filibuster against judicial nominations -- the 'so-called'
nuclear solution. This would require only 51 votes, but Frist does not even
have that many today because of reluctance to tamper with the traditions of
the Senate.

"Whether or not Bill Frist's offensive eventually places any of these
well-qualified judges on the bench, it will sound a stentorian refusal to
surrender. That means a Republican president and a Republican-controlled
Senate have not acquiesced in letting Ted Kennedy determine the membership
of the federal judiciary. The battle resumes today."

Let the games begin.  And keep your calls and emails going to Senate
offices.  They are definitely having an effect.

Loony Clooney Rolling Snake Eyes

Actor George Clooney has been one of the most vocal and vitriolic critics of
President Bush, the war against terror in Iraq and conservatives in general.
Discerning viewers of television and movies know this, and apparently are
voting with their in boycotting anything Clooney is involved with.

His HBO series "K Street" is tanking big time and won't likely be on the air
much longer.  And his fortunes on the big screen ain't much better.  After
the poor opening of his latest movie, "Intolerable Cruelty," Hollywood
insiders say Clooney's movie roles are drying up. The only decent leading
role he can land is in a movie he himself is producing, "Ocean's 12."

One might reasonably conclude that conservatives who are boycotting Loony
Clooney's shows are having a devastating effect on his career. Then again,
it could just be that his movies and shows stink.  Personally, I think it's
a combination of the two.

How We Hate Thee, Let Us Count the Ways

"I've written before that liberals need anger management therapy, but their
antipathy for President Bush has grown to the point that even The Washington
Post's Howard Kurtz is writing about it.

"...Some on the left may deny the hatred, but how else do you explain the
phenomenon of Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean's formidable
popularity among the party rank and file? It's not what he stands for; it's
whom he rails against. At this point, the former Vermont governor is riding
to his party's nomination on the coattails of abject hatred toward the
commander in chief.

"...Their angst really stems from one simple fact: Mr. Bush took back the
executive branch from them, which they view as an entitlement, even to the
point of their irrational rantings about him being an unelected president -
not just because of Florida, but because he didn't win the popular vote."

- Columnist David Limbaugh

Schiavo Case's Slippery Slope of Death

"If the government is allowed to order the death of one of its citizens when
close relatives object and the patient's wishes are not spelled out in a
legal document, how long will it be before government can order the death of
other citizens for lesser reasons?"

- Columnist Cal Thomas

Tax Revolt Hits Ohio

"Last month Ohio's Secretary of State Ken Blackwell launched an Initiated
Statute effort to repeal the temporary 20% increase in the state sales tax
(to 6% from 5%) that Gov. Bob Taft and the Republican-controlled Legislature
enacted in the two-year state budget. If Mr. Blackwell collects the required
97,000 signatures by Dec. 20, the question will be before the Legislature in

"Why is Mr. Blackwell doing it?  Because the Ohio government has been on a
massive and prolonged spending spree with no end in sight. . . . Because
this tax increase is the largest in the history of Ohio--$2.9 billion--Mr.
Blackwell believes it ought to have some citizen approval. The last time an
increase in the sales tax was presented to the voters, in 1998, they
defeated it by a 4-to-1 margin.

"...The Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party told Blackwell the sales tax
increase was both 'responsible' and 'essential,' and his effort to repeal it
a 'ridiculous media stunt.' For the establishment, better government is
always bigger government. Ohio's Republican establishment needs to get a
grip too."

- Columnist and former Delaware Gov. Pete DuPont

Big Problem Brewing South of the Border

"Hardly anyone is paying attention to (Mexico's) rising political star and
likely next president, radical left-wing Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel
Lopez Obrador.  His 'approval ratings have steadily climbed to a remarkable
88%, and a recent poll put him as the clear front-runner for the 2006
presidential race. He is riding so high that last week he boasted he was
'indestructible,' prompting a leading radio station to play the 'Superman'
theme any time the mayor's name is mentioned,' the Wall Street Journal
reported recently."

-, 10/26/03

General Silence

"What three-star Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin needs is for a four-star
colleague to call him in, stand him at attention, grab him by his stacking
swivel and remind him that free speech does not apply to him as long as he
wears that uniform. . . . If Gen. Boykin wishes to voice his personal
opinions on religion and social issues, he needs to be reminded that he is
entirely free to do so - after he retires and removes that uniform.  He's an
experienced officer. He should know better, and he richly deserves the
criticism he is presently encountering."

- John Fuller, Washington Times, 10/25/03

I'm Sure THIS Won't Stir Up Any Controversy

Dick Morris, former adviser to Bill Clinton, says Arnold Schwarzenegger's
election as governor of California "shows what the Republican Party could do
if it broke with the pro-lifers and abandoned their intrusive efforts to
regulate private behavior."

According to Morris, whose own private behavior with a hooker during Clinton
's re-election campaign got him tossed out of the inner circle at the White
House, "It is about time that the Republican Party realizes that the
Christian right is doing to it exactly what the radical black Rainbow
Coalition of Jesse Jackson did to the Democratic Party in the '80s - making
them unelectable. Their embrace is the kiss of death. It is not that the
religious right is wrong. Right or wrong, it gets in the way of so much good
that the Republican Party could achieve if it were not in the Christian
right's grasp."

Now, I suspect them's fightin' words.  And if you want to read the rest of
Dick's words on this subject, you can access the entire column by going to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

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