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Must-Not-See, TV

"Dear Chuck," writes News & Views reader Grant MacDonald.  "We certainly
should boycott the sponsors of the Reagan mini-series.  Also, we should
boycott the program! They are probably licking their chops at CBS, thinking
that all the advance publicity will boost the ratings of this show. Let's
not cooperate.  The show should bomb."

Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm with Grant.  You won't catch me
watching this garbage.  I'd rather watch a re-run of Ishtar.  Yechhh!

And yes, I'm trying to come up with an accurate and verifiable list of
sponsors which I'll share with you all as soon as I get it.

Thanks, France

"Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz was just a floor away from danger
yesterday when a missile barrage blitzed the Baghdad hotel where he was
staying - killing an American colonel and wounding 18 other people. . . .
The London Sun reported today that half of the rockets used in the attack
were French weapons produced after the arms embargo against Iraq following
the Gulf War."

- New York Post, 10/27/03

Return of the McCain Mutiny?

"Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Lieberman said Friday that if elected
president, he would tap Republican Sen. John McCain as defense secretary.
Doing little to dispel the criticism that he's a closet Republican, Mr.
Lieberman told Don Imus' syndicated radio program that he would want the
Arizona senator, a colleague and a friend, for the Pentagon post."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 10/27/03

Judicial Booby Hatch

"Some Senate Republicans are growing frustrated with Judiciary Committee
Chairman Orrin G. Hatch after he again postponed last week the vote on
President Bush's nominee to the 6th U.S. Court of Appeals because of
Democrats' opposition to the nomination.  Mr. Bush nominated Michigan Judge
Henry W. Saad to the federal appeals court nearly two years ago, and for the
past several months, Mr. Hatch, Utah Republican, has negotiated with
Democrats to find a compromise that would get Judge Saad confirmed.

"Mr. Hatch has placed the judge on his committee's agenda for a vote six
times, but has each time postponed it at the last minute to appease
Democrats.  . . . Mr. Hatch said he wants to 'resolve this without poking
anybody in the eye,' but some Republicans are not feeling so diplomatic.
'We've gone this route all year,' a Republican staffer said. 'They just
won't negotiate. We should just move forward.'"

- Washington Times, 10/27/03

Judging Janice

"Justice (Janice Rogers) Brown is not a typical Republican judicial nominee.
She understands the crucial role of courts in a constitutional republic: She
is deferential to the elected branches when they act within their prescribed
boundaries, but zealous in the defense of individual liberties against
majoritarian tyranny. Brown's nomination affords a rare chance for a lasting
legacy of freedom. Indeed, her appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit would vastly strengthen the institution of
government most entrusted with the protection of individual liberty."

- Clint Bolick, vice president of the Institute for Justice

Liar, Liar...Pants on Fire

"The truth carries little weight - if any - in political efforts to block
judicial nominees. What matters is whether enough special interest groups
are determined to block that person.  Many liberal-left organizations are
determined to prevent Janice Rogers Brown from becoming a member of the D.C.
Circuit Court of Appeals, in part because they are alarmed that she might
move on up from there to the U.S. Supreme Court. If a few lies are all it
takes to prevent that, they are more than willing to lie."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Misplaced Priority

"Republican lawmakers and conservative activists are making plans to turn
gay marriage into a major issue in next year's elections, with some
Christian groups saying that banning same-sex unions is a higher immediate
priority for them than restricting abortion."

- Washington Post, 10/25/03

The Postal Monopoly

"Vigorous competition has made many types of day-to-day communication better
and more convenient, as seen with overnight delivery, faxes, email, and
electronic bill payment.  But the Postal Service's legal monopolies deny the
mail-using public the opportunity to benefit from similar improvements.

"...In fact, the Postal Service is insulated from competition by more than
just its legal monopolies.  It pays no federal, state, or local taxes, is
exempt from most forms of regulation, from antitrust to parking tickets, and
can borrow money at minimal cost from the U. S. Treasury.

"But the Postal Service also enjoys this preferential treatment when it
enters markets outside of its legal monopolies, placing private-sector
competitors (that hire workers and pay taxes) at a severe disadvantage.  For
example, its overnight delivery and pre-paid calling card services compete
against companies that cannot avoid taxes and regulations or borrow at
subsidized rates."

- Lexington Institute Issue Brief, 10/27/03

Why More People Are Choosing Home Education

"The education establishment likes to blame poor parenting and rowdy and
lawless students for educational mediocrity. Without a doubt, that's part of
the problem. But incompetent, uncaring teachers are also a part of the

- Columnist Walter Williams

Bloomy's Blacklist

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the definition of RINO: Republican
In Name Only.  Indeed, he only switched his party affiliation from Democrat
to Republican so he could avoid a primary race and then use his fortune to
compete in the general election last year.  And his policies since replacing
Rudy Giuliani are anything but Republican.

So it should come as no surprise that Bloomy has issued a fatwa against some
of the most conservative, principled members of Congress.  Bloomberg is
telling New Yorkers not to donate money to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay,
Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado, Rep. Charlie Norwood of Georgia and Rep. Mark
Kennedy of Minnesota.

A spokesman for Tancredo said, "If Mayor Bloomberg spent as much time on the
economy as he spends making lists, New York City would be much better off."
Added Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie, "We do best when
people in our party are encouraging our friends and supporters to contribute
to fellow Republicans. That's how we grow the party - not by asking people
to withhold from other Republicans."

Help Wanted:  Boots on the Ground in Philly

For years, conservative grassroots activists watched in vain as
inside-the-beltway GOP pooh-bahs pumped tons of money into the "air war" of
political campaigns - radio and television ads - while their counterparts
over at the unions cleaned their clocks in the ground game - volunteers on
the streets and on the phones.

No mas.

A couple years ago the GOP leadership at the Republican National Committee
(RNC) changed course and devoted a considerable amount of time, attention
and money to developing an election day grassroots operation to rival the
Democrats and their wholly-owned subsidiary, the big labor unions.  The
program is called the "72-Hour Task Force," and it was WILDLY successful in
last year's elections.

If you've always had an interest in working on a political campaign but didn
't know where to begin or what to ya go.

The 72-Hour Task Force will be very active in state races next month in
Kentucky and Mississippi, but also in the mayor's race in
Philadelphia...which is where they really need some help.  The incumbent
Democrat has turned Philly into a basket case and his GOP challenger is
running neck-and-neck in the polls.  Election day get-out-the-vote efforts
will make the difference between winning and losing in this race.  And the
RNC needs volunteers.

If you're interested in volunteering a few days on the weekend leading up to
the November 4th election, the RNC would love to "deploy" you to the City of
Brotherly Love."  They'll pay for your transportation (if you live in the
Washington, DC area), lodging and up to $30 per day for meals.  That's a LOT
of artery-clogging Philly cheese steaks!  They'll also provide complete
training and assistance for folks who haven't done this kind of work before.
Best darn OJT you'll ever get.

If you're interested in maybe volunteering for the 72-Hour Task Force in
Philadelphia, contact Shelby Watts at (202) 863-8600 for additional

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
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