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What Do the Democrats Have Now?

"The economy grew at a 7.2% annual rate in the third quarter, fueled by
greater consumer and business spending. The gain in gross domestic product,
exceeding forecasts by a full percentage point, was the sharpest advance
since 1984."

- Wall Street Journal, 10/30/03

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You Gotta Have Heart

"Ronald Reagan, about to be portrayed as an unfeeling, forgetful
conservative, had the biggest heart of any President in America's history -
so big that CBS had no trouble finding it when they decided to plunge a
dagger into it."

- Michael Reagan, the Gipper's son and talk show host

Cowardly & Cruel

"Here is a man (Ronald Reagan) who is on his deathbed. He's in the last
stages of Alzheimer's, and a woman who has been sitting by the bedside there
holding his hand for nine years. They can't fight back. . . . From what I've
read -- I have not seen the film, I have not read the script - but I have
certainly seen enough excerpts from it in the promos. I mean it's, I think
it's cowardly. I think it's the most cowardly thing I've ever heard ... How
can it be so cruel? That's not, from what I've read in the scenes, that's
not Nancy and the president at all."

- TV producer Merv Griffin in an MSNBC interview with Keith Olberman

Mommie Dearest Meets Forrest Gump

Since it was at a private, off-the-record briefing, I can't tell you all how
or where I saw it; however, I did view an eight-minute "highlight" reel of
the upcoming CBS mini-series on Ronald and Nancy Reagan yesterday.  And I
can tell you, it's FAR worse than anything I expected.

In fact, I've read that some people are urging CBS and the producers to
simply edit out the more egregious and factually incorrect scenes.  I can
tell you from my first-hand look at this crap that a little selective
editing won't be nearly enough.  This whole movie stinks like yesterday's
diapers and would be appropriately shown only on the Sci-Fi channel...if

The clips I saw were nothing short of revolting.  The portrayals of Ron and
Nancy Reagan are worse than fictional, they're criminal.  You get the
impression that the Gipper couldn't tie his shoelaces without falling into
his oatmeal.  And Nancy Reagan is depicted as a power-hungry, maniacal shrew
far worse than First Lady Hillary actually was (is).

I was going to recommend that everyone visit a particular website and sign
up for updates on who the sponsors are going to be for this trash-umentary;
however, it appears the CBS attorneys may have gotten involved because the
site was up yesterday but has since been taken down.  So I'm looking at how
we might be able to set up our own petition site hosted by folks who won't
be intimidated by the network's legal beagles.  Stay tuned.

This mini-series is a strike at the very heart of our movement, folks.
Please consider that all those kids in college today really have no
recollection of President Reagan.  Their impression of this great man will
be influenced by this grotesque mini-series.  The movie isn't just a
character assassination of the Reagans, it's a declaration of war on all the
Gipper and we in the movement stand for as free and proud Americans.

This is a fight we can't duck and MUST win.  It reminds me of a quote from
another great conservative Hollywood actor, Clint Eastwood, in "The Outlaw
Josie Wales" movie.

"Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make
it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose
your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way
it is."

So it is.  Lock and load, folks.  We ride at dawn.

Speaking of CBS Hatchet Jobs.

Do you remember that other hatchet job CBS News with Dan Rather did on
home-schoolers a couple weeks ago?  Well, Neal McCluskey of the Cato
Institute has drafted an excellent response to the biased report which you
can read at:

The "Right" Place for Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  "Bush 2004" gear, as well.

Stupidity Virus Hits New Jersey

"A 'patriotic' stick-figure drawing of a U.S. Marine blowing away a Taliban
fighter earned a 14-year-old schoolboy a five-day suspension.  Scott
Switzer, of Colts Neck, N.J., whose father and stepfather serve in the
military, was sent home last week from Tinton Falls Middle School after a
teacher saw the image on a computer and described it to the principal, the
New York Post reported.  'He's been punished for the drawing,' said Tinton
Falls school superintendent Leonard Kelpsh, according to the Post."

-, 10/3/0/03


"It might just be a coincidence, but it seems that the terror attacks in
Iraq are increasing at about the same rate as that of the Democrat
contenders for the nomination who are criticizing the peace initiative there
and want us to get out or let the UN handle it."

- News & Views reader Ernie Smith

Remember...Because Our Enemies Do

".(T)he terrorists and others still doubt America's staying power. They
remember Vietnam, where we lost the will to fight. They remember Beirut in
1983, where we turned tail and ran after they killed our Marines in their
barracks. They remember the first World Trade Center bombing in February
1993, when we turned to our lawyers instead of our soldiers. They remember
Mogadishu in October 1993, where we left our dead and skedaddled out of
country. They remember the attack on the USS Cole in 2000, where we ordered
our ships to sea rather than our Marines to shore.

"So now, in 2003 in Iraq and Afghanistan, our soldiers and Marines are
paying the price in their blood for the boundless tolerance and rationalized
inaction of their superiors when faced with danger and assault over the last
30 years."

- Columnist Tony Blankley

Is This War...Or Patty-Cake?

"'The Army has filed a criminal assault charge against an American officer
who coerced an Iraqi into providing information that foiled a planned attack
on U.S. soldiers,' the Washington Times reports:

*** QUOTE ***

Lt. Col. Allen B. West says he did not physically abuse the detainee, but
used psychological pressure by twice firing his service weapon away from the
Iraqi. After the shots were fired, the detainee, an Iraqi police officer,
gave up the information on a planned attack around the northern Iraqi town
of Saba al Boor.

But the Army is taking a dim view of the interrogation tactic. An Army
official at the Pentagon confirmed to The Washington Times yesterday that
Col. West has been charged with one count of aggravated assault. A military
source said an Article 32 hearing has been scheduled in Iraq that could lead
to the Army court-martialing Col. West and sending him to prison for a
maximum term of eight years.

*** END QUOTE ***

"The Times adds that 'some soldiers are privately questioning the Army's
drive to punish the officer for an interrogation technique that likely is
used regularly to get information from terrorists.'

"It's hard to know what to think of this. The paper gives only Col. West's
side of the story; the Army presumably is saving its side for the
court-martial. Under the circumstances, though, the actions West describes
do not sound all that outrageous, especially if it saved the lives of
American servicemen."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 10/29/03  (Editors Note:  This should be
VERY troubling to all of us who are concerned with tying our soldiers' hands
behind their backs the way we did in Vietnam.  You can and SHOULD read the
full Times story by going to:

Now This Is More Like It!

"Honestly, (the situation in Iraq) a little tougher than I thought it was
going to be.  If we have to, we just mow the whole place down, see what
happens.  You're dealing with insane suicide bombers who are killing our
people, and we need to be very aggressive in taking them out."

- Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.), The Hill, 10/29/03  (Editor's Note:  You might
want to contact Sen. Lott and ask him to look into the plight of Lt. Col.
Allen West.  Phone:  (202) 224-6253.  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

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Only Democrats Can Prevent Forest Fires

To give you an idea of the magnitude of the forest fires burning out of
control in California, winds blowing eastward sent enough smoke to blanket
LAS VEGAS yesterday.  And who's to blame?  Democrats.

That's because the Democrat Party is in bed with the radical tree-huggers
and have been sitting on President Bush's Healthy Forest initiative in the
Senate for the last five months.  But the environmentalists have been
fighting common sense forest management for years now...and the Democrats
have been right there by their side all along.

It's time, as Rep. Richard Pombo says, for Democrats to "wake up and smell
the smoke."

Weapons of Mass Obstruction

"How many homes must burn, how many people must lose their valuables, how
many lives must be threatened before a couple [of] obstructionists in the
Senate will relent and let a bipartisan wildfire legislation be debated and

- Rep. Scott McInnis, R-Colo.,, 10/29/03

Hatching a Raw Deal

"This is outrageous. If your article 'Hatch offers Democrats deal on stalled
judges' is correct, this is a good way for Sen. Orrin G. Hatch to anger
Republicans. What a traitorous thing to do. . . . Every single time the
Republicans can take charge because they are in charge, they retreat and
allow the minority party to dictate the rules or make brand-new ones to
accommodate their agenda."

- Washington Times letter writer Beverly Alfonso on Sen. Hatch's (R-Utah)
proposal to create two new judicial seats for Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) in
order to get Levin to stop blocking the President's judicial nominees from

Hatching a Backroom Deal

"(Sen. Hatch's deal with Sen. Levin on Michigan court nominees) is
tantamount to paying blackmail.  The report that Chairman Hatch would even
consider rewarding Sen. Levin's detestable tactics by handing the Michigan
Democrat two new judgeships on the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is
unconscionable.  The filibustering of Bush judges, unprecedented in the
history of the Senate, has reached the level of constitutional crisis.  This
is not the time for Chairman Hatch to be hatching backroom political deals."

- Richard Lessner, executive director, American Conservative Union, The
Hill, 10/29/03

Holding Up the Internet Tax Ban

The Senate has until November 1st to make a temporary ban on taxing Internet
access permanent.  That's just two days away.  But the issue can't come to
the floor because two REPUBLICAN senators are rumored to have placed a
 "hold" on the legislation.

Those two senators are Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and George Voinovich of
Ohio.  You might want to contact their offices and see if the rumors are
true and, if so, urge them to let this bill move forward NOW.

Alexander, Lamar - (R - TN)
(202) 224-4944
Web Form:

Voinovich, George - (R - OH)
(202) 224-3353
Web Form:

Unhappy Campers

"Thank you for the photo of President Bush.  I regret that I will not be
able to send any money to the RNC this year. . . . After three years of a
Republican presidency and one year of the Republicans controlling both
houses we have a bigger federal government, more unionized federal workers,
more spending on failed social programs, Clinton-era executive orders and
political appointees and no conservative judges on the federal bench.  Not
only can I not send you any money, but I am honestly wondering if we
wouldn't have been better off with Al Gore as president.  Clearly I cannot
financially back the party responsible for this sorry state of affairs."

- News & Views reader David W. Peters in a letter to the Republican National
Committee in response to a direct mail fundraising request.  I suspect Mr.
Peters isn't alone in his sentiments.

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or

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