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When Harry Married Gary

OK.  OK.  I know many of you are just champing at the bit to inveigh over
the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling handed down on Tuesday regarding the
state's restriction on an individual's right to marry the person of their
choice.  Indeed the sky-is-falling hysterics began almost immediately after
the decision was released (with the requisite fundraising appeals right

Randall Terry - considered a zealot by many, but a hero in some social
conservative circles - issued a statement saying, "If outraged citizens see
one of these judges in a bar, they may be tempted to spit in their face, or
beat them, or get a bunch of friends to tar and feather them."

Nice, Randy.  Very nice.  So much for reasoned argument.

Gary Bauer's press release included a suggestion that "Perhaps it is time
for another Boston Tea Party," though I fail to see how polluting Boston
Harbor with little bags of Lipton has anything to do with the issue of gay
marriage.  It's not like the government is trying to tax heterosexuality.
Or maybe Mr. Bauer just wants to protest England being ruled by a "queen."

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council was apoplectic.  "This is THE
wake-up call for both the American public and our elected officials,"
Perkins gushed in a news release.  "If we do not amend the Massachusetts
State Constitution so that it explicitly protects marriage as the union of
one man and one woman, and if we do not amend the U.S. Constitution with a
federal marriage amendment that will protect marriage on the federal level,
we will lose marriage in this nation."

No we won't, Tony.  Just because the Massachusetts Supreme Court said the
state couldn't discriminate against gay couples seeking a marriage license
doesn't mean men and women won't be allowed to marry any longer.  We're not
going to "lose marriage in this nation."  How silly.

Anyway, I've given a cursory read to the opinion and to the dissents, and
the opinion appears reasoned and rational while the dissents are
unpersuasive. But that's just my first reading.  I might change my mind
after giving it more thorough scrutiny.

I'm sure many of you can't wait to tell me how wrong I am and how wrong the
court was.  That's fine.  It's an important public policy issue.  Far from
being THE most important issue facing our nation today, but of significant
concern to many Americans.

However, in arguing your point in emails to me, please do so on the merits
of the decision itself.  Quote me the law, not Leviticus.  This is about the
state Constitution, not the Bible.

And if you can't start every message with the words, "Dear Butthead, I have
read the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision, and." then don't waste your
time.  Because I won't waste MY time arguing with someone who won't invest
THEIR time to actually read what the justices wrote.

For those of you interested in a serious debate on the substance of this
issue, not the hysterics, you can read the court's decision, as well as the
dissents, by going to:

New Drug Benefit

This is your Congress.  This is your Congress on drugs.  Read all about it
in the latest "Muth's Truths" column at

Also, our announced Always Right guest this week had to cancel, but we were
fortunate enough to grab Mike Collins, former RNC press secretary and public
policy guru to discuss the prescription drug bill on this week's show.  If
you missed it on Tuesday night, catch a rebroadcast later this week.  Just
click on the "Always Right" page at for the complete
schedule and link to listen in.

And after reading and hearing all about it, it's your turn to weigh in:
Should Congress pass the compromise plan to add a new prescription drug
benefit to Medicare?  Cast your ballot today by clicking on the "Survey
Says!" button at

The "Right" Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  "Bush 2004" gear, as well.

UN Wants Control of World Wide Web

"Governments spearheaded by China, Brazil, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia
are trying to place the Internet under the control of the United Nations or
its member governments, a move that the United States and other developed
countries are determined to resist."

- Washington Times, 11/18/03

Cheap Shot Artists

"Democratic presidential candidates have been taking cheap shots at
President Bush almost since he took office. Instead of offering real plans
to get out of the mess and acknowledging the realities of the Sept. 11
attacks, they blast away on tax cuts for 'the wealthy' and yelled about
three million lost jobs. That was fun while it lasted, but the economy is
turning around. Sure, they'll chant the mantra of a 'jobless recovery' for
awhile, but only until hiring picks up again."

- Wall Street Journal columnist Brendan Miniter

Braun's New Left Wing

"Democratic presidential hopeful Carol Moseley Braun's shoestring campaign
faces another upheaval as she names former NOW chairwoman Patricia Ireland
as her latest campaign manager while other key aides depart. . . . A former
New Zealand ambassador, Braun won the endorsement of the National
Organization for Women and the National Women's Political Caucus in August,
but she has not yet been able to capitalize on the backing.  Ireland said
she would be able to leverage those endorsements. 'I've been president of
NOW for 10 years. I know how to work that crowd and I know how to build
networks,' said Ireland, fired in October as the CEO of the YWCA."

- Chicago Sun Times, 11/18/03

Plugging Leaks in Donkeyland

As noted here a couple of days ago, the Wall Street Journal somehow obtained
senate staff memos exposing how Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have
tried to keep certain Bush nominees off the federal bench.  Among the more
explosive findings was a memo targeting Miguel Estrada, not because of his
qualifications, but because "he is Latino."  Other memos show how Democrats
on the Judiciary Committee are basically nothing more than puppets on a
string for far-left activist groups.

Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois is outraged.

Not at the obstructionist tactics revealed.  Heck, Durbin IS one of the
obstructionist.  In fact, he is a leading obstructionist.  In double fact, a
number of those outrageous memos were sent to HIM.  And that's what has his
pantyhose all up in a bunch.

Democrat Durbin wants to know who leaked the embarrassing memos to the
press, so on Monday, according to the Illinois Leader, he "called the
Capitol Police to raid the Judicial Committee's computer room and confiscate
the backup drives" in an effort to find "who it was that found the
confidential memos and, Durbin hopes, find out who turned the memos over to
the media."

For his or her sake, we hope it wasn't some Latino staffer.

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Wrong Chair for the Right

"[Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Arlen] Specter is in line to chair the
Judiciary Committee after the 2004 elections. The current chairman, Sen.
Orrin Hatch, Utah Republican, must surrender the gavel because of GOP
term-limits on committee heads. . . . Mr. Specter is well-known in
Washington as a liberal Republican with a long record of derailing tax cuts,
shilling for Big Labor and acquitting President Bill Clinton (citing ancient
Scottish Common Law principles).

"...There should be no doubt about Mr. Specter's willingness to derail
conservative Supreme Court nominees. 'To Bork' is now a verb in Washington
thanks, in part, to Mr. Specter, who played a central role in sinking Robert
Bork's nomination. The Senator from Scotland, as Hill staffers refer to him,
explained in his memoirs that 'Bork's narrow approach is dangerous for
constitutional government.'"

- Columnist Tim Carney

Insane Psychiatrists

"A team of psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental-health experts
agree that John W. Hinckley Jr. should be granted unsupervised leaves from
St. Elizabeths Hospital, where he has been confined since trying to kill
President Reagan in 1981, a psychiatrist testified yesterday in U.S.
District Court.  'He's in total remission,' Dr. Sidney Binks, a member of
the hospital's treatment team, and a neuropsychologist, told Judge Paul L.
Friedman. 'He would not be dangerous.'"

- Washington Times, 11/18/03

Reagan Smear to Air Nov. 30th

Showtime announced on Monday that it will air the scuttled CBS
trash-umentary "The Reagans" on Sunday, November 30th in its entirety with
no commercial breaks.  Showtime exec Robert Greenblatt said he decided to
rush the program to the air rather than wait until next year because he was
"tired of people making judgments on this when they haven't seen it."

Greenblatt added that the controversial AIDS scene has been edited out, but
otherwise the movie remained pretty much intact with no major changes.  "I
think this is as balanced and honest a movie as can be made out of this
movie," he said.  Which ain't saying much, considering how dishonest and
unbalanced the flick is.

Now, I'm gonna suggest something unexpected.

I am NOT going to urge a boycott of "The Reagans" on Showtime.  In fact, I'm
ENCOURAGING folks to watch it - and then cancel their Showtime subscriptions
the next day.  The movie is THAT bad and THAT outrageous.  If you thought
Reaganites were angry before they saw this ain't seen
nothing yet!

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

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* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
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