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Remembering Those Who Were Against Us

"If it had been left to Kofi Annan, the French, Germans, Russians,
Canadians, Arabs and all but two of the nine Democratic presidential
candidates, Saddam Hussein wouldn't have been getting inspected for lice by
American medics; he would still be sitting on his solid gold toilet in his
palace, reading about the latest massive anti-Bush demonstrations in Le

- Columnist Mark Steyn

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Thanks Again, Gipper

"...Libya went public this week that it was cooperating with the U.S., and
planning to destroy its weapons of mass destruction.  We owe some gratitude
on this 'coup' to former President Ronald Reagan, who was the first world
leader to stand up to Khadafy when he sent a fleet of B-52s over Tripoli to
teach the Colonel a lesson.  Nor should we forget that our 'allies' the
French opposed Reagan's bombing."

-, 12/21/03

The Big Stick Works

"The timing and nature of (Libya's) conversion also vindicates the Bush
anti-terror Doctrine. Gadhafi's emissaries first approached British
officials in March, just as the war in Iraq was getting under way. From the
first days after September 11, Mr. Bush offered state sponsors of terrorism
a choice to be with us or against us. If Gadhafi had any doubts about U.S.
resolve after the Taliban fell in Afghanistan, they vanished once he saw
that Saddam Hussein was also headed for the spider hole of history."

- "Review & Outlook," Wall Street Journal, 12/22/03

We Mean Business

"I don't think you can separate out the relevance of military action in Iraq
from the decision the Libyans have taken.  We showed, after Saddam Hussein
had failed to cooperate with the U.N., that we meant business, and Libya -
and I hope other countries - will draw that lesson."

- British Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon

Patriot Games

"You are absolutely 100 percent dead on about the Patriot Act ("Muth's
Truths," 12/21/03).  To those who think it's no big deal - I'm sure there
are a lot of self-righteous conservatives who don't have a problem with it
being used to bust a strip  club - I say consider this:  Imagine what might
have happened had this law been in effect back when Bill Clinton and Janet
Reno were in office."

- News & Views reader TJ

RICO Abuse

"Chuck:  You forgot what I consider to be the absolute worst example of RICO
excess ("Muth's Truths," 12/21/03): The lawsuit Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D) and
others filed against House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R) for his political
fundraising activities."

- News & Views reader David Luken  ( Comment on "Patriot Act" at our
Discussion Board: )

Muth's Truths

Is PATRIOT the next RICO?  Read this week's "Muth's Truths" at

King of the Wackos

"Howard Dean is increasingly looking like he's come unhinged. While the
Democratic front-runner shows no sign of slowing his long march toward his
party's nomination, he has begun saying things that are not only
irresponsible, they sound downright wacky."

- Columnist Linda Chavez

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Hey, Big Spender

"Under President Bush, the federal budget has been driven deep into the red,
thanks to generous spending, successive tax cuts, the war and a momentarily
slowing economy. Now there are the first signs the record deficits might
become a political issue for Mr. Bush. . . . According to estimates
developed by the Senate Republican leadership, if Congress and the White
House continue spending as they have been - 7 percent annual increases since
1998 - the 2009 deficit will be $666 billion. If by some miracle the
spending could be held to the rate of inflation over those five years, the
deficit would still be $432 billion."

- Columnist Dale McFeatters

Rumbling on the Right

"Libertarians and many conservatives within the Republican Party are deeply
frustrated with President Bush's budgetary profligacy and a number of other
issues.  The libertarians feel the war in Iraq has been a mistake and are
gravely worried about the erosion of civil liberties under the Patriot Act.
Conservatives support the war and are not too concerned about lost civil
liberties, but are deeply concerned about homosexual marriage, the failure
to get conservative judges confirmed and other social issues."

- Columnist Bruce Bartlett  ( Comment on "Bush vs. Limited Government" at
our Discussion Board: )


"The battle against spam is all but over: Spam has lost. You wouldn't know
it, however, from the way lawmakers around the world are now dashing to
combat spam, and solemnly swear that this nuisance will be eliminated. . . .
The reason for the legislative crusade is obvious: Few things make
otherwise-calm people (and voters) as irate as the mere mention of spam. . .
. The irony is, within five years we predict that spam will no longer be a
problem. But laws against spam will still be there, and will affect
e-commerce and commercial freedom of speech negatively.

"...The legislation is unnecessary, and the only reason to that we today see
the lawmakers rushing new antispam legislation is that they probably have
made the same analysis. The politicians know that spam will disappear as a
result of technological development, and are now vying for a bit of the
glory for eliminating the spam nuisance. In five years' time the electronic
junk mail will be gone, but the junk laws will still be there. We should be
more worried about getting spammed by laws than by e-mails. E-mails can be
easily erased. Try doing that with legislation."

- "Business Europe," Wall Street Journal, 12/22/03

Flower Power

"Louisiana is the only state that requires florists to be licensed.
Applicants are required to pay a fee of $150 and pass a practical exam in
which their floral arrangements are judged by licensed florists -- that is,
by the very people who have an interest in limiting the number of
competitors. Only about 40% pass, as you might expect. It's also against
Louisiana law for anyone without a license to sell two or more kinds of
flowers in a single bunch or to sell flowers in a vase."

- "Reviews & Outlook," Wall Street Journal, 12/22/03

Darned If You Do, Darned If You Don't

>From the Discussion Board:

Posted by Nat Hooper:  "Chuck: You seem to be getting more and more critical
of President Bush. I think you are making a serious mistake. As his ratings
keep going up, yours will surely go down."

Posted by Brad:  "Chuck: I appreciate that you've not bought into the
weakness of supporting the GOP non-stop. I believe the GOP is turning into
Dems without the bleeding heart."

Today on the Discussion Board...

*  Death Penalty & Deterrence
*  Bush vs. Limited Government
*  Going Soft on Terrorists
*  Illegal Immigration
*  Drug War Quagmire
*  Hinckley's Release
*  Zero Tolerance Stupidity
*  Liberal Hate-Mongering
*  Patriot Act

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Chuck Muth's News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
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