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Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Not the night before the "winter holidays."  More on this in tomorrow's
EXTRA SPECIAL (albeit brief) Christmas edition.

Flying the Unfriendly Skies

John McCaslin's "Inside the Beltway" column on Tuesday included the latest
example of stupidity striking the airline industry.  Seems award-winning
fiddle champion Bonnie Rideout was on her way from Washington, DC, to
Wichita, Kansas and "didn't wish her violin to get damaged or even lost by
baggage handlers."  Rideout took the valuable violin from its case, checked
the bag and wanted to hold the instrument in her lap for the duration of the
flight.  "My violin is smaller than an infant and bothers no one," the
musician pointed out.

The airline folks didn't agree and refused to let her violin onboard.
Rideout objected...and was promptly arrested.  She and the violin will have
their day in court on February 13.

Now...don't you feel a lot safer about air travel this Christmas season?

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Another Victory for Bush's "Cowboy Diplomacy"

"Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi made it clear that his decision to disarm was
prompted by Operation Iraqi Freedom.  'I will do whatever the Americans want
because I saw what happened in Iraq, and I was afraid,' Mr. Gadhafi told
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, according to a Berlusconi
spokesman who was quoted in yesterday's Telegraph of London."

- Washington Times, 12/23/03

And Yet Another Victory for Bush's "Cowboy Diplomacy"

"Russia has offered to write off more than a half of the $8 billion it is
owed by Iraq, but in return it envisages a multi-billion investment in
rebuilding the country. . . . Moscow earlier said it had no intention of
writing off the debt, after learning that it -- along with other countries
that opposed the U.S.-led war -- was unable to participate in the
U.S.-funded reconstruction projects.  But after a meeting last week with
President Bush's special envoy on Iraq, former Secretary of State James
Baker, Putin expressed conditional readiness to ease the debt burden.  In
exchange for the debt reduction offer, Russia expects to benefit from the
rebuilding efforts."

- CNS News, 12/23/03

Boca Cerrada, Muy Bueno

"Libya's decision to give up its weapons of mass destruction is making it
harder for Democrats such as Howard Dean to disparage President Bush's war
against Iraq, which prompted Libya's move.  Mr. Dean, the front-runner for
the Democratic presidential nomination, has been uncharacteristically silent
about Mr. Bush's bombshell announcement on Friday that Libya has agreed
unconditionally to relinquish its chemical-, biological- and nuclear-weapons

- Washington Times, 12/23/03

The UN's "Spider Hole"

"Many of the Democratic presidential candidates, their fannies smarting from
having the rug pulled out from under them, returned to their favorite
mantra - the capture of Saddam, said Sen. John Kerry and others - was an
'opportunity' to get the United Nations more involved in postwar Iraq. What
is this mythic U.N. they keep invoking?  Memo to liberals: The U.N. bugged
out of Iraq after the bombing of its headquarters, remember? It's perched at
a safe distance in Cyprus."

- Columnist Mona Charen

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Liberty vs. Security

"If you are sleeping easy at night over the federal government's success at
protecting the nation from more mega-terrorist atrocities since the horrors
of September 11, read James Bovard's latest broadside and think again. . . .
"Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice and Peace to Rid the
World of Evil" is a timely, troubling book, exhaustively and impeccably
researched and documented.

"One need not agree with all Mr. Bovard's conclusions or arguments to
welcome it as an important, indeed essential, guide to the complex issues
with which we must now grapple. It is difficult to argue with the author's
claim that "the more freedoms Americans lose, the more dangerous government
becomes." One can hardly imagine Thomas Jefferson, James Madison or Patrick
Henry disagreeing with that."

- UPI columnist Martin Sieff

Supreme Attack

"The Supreme Court's Dec. 10 decision upholding the May 2002 campaign
finance reform law was, in its own way, as great an attack on American
liberty as the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. . . . President Bush,
by not vetoing the bill, violated the oath of office he took in January 2001
to uphold the Constitution. . . . Mr. Bush's position on the world stage is
increasingly magnificent, but he can't maintain it if he is less bold in
protecting freedom at home than abroad.  Mr. Bush needs to assert he
strongly disagrees with the court's decision and that he will oppose it in
his upcoming campaign."

- Columnist, diplomatic historian and former intelligence analyst William

South Park Potty-Mouths

"Wesley Clark, talking to a man at a forum in New Hampshire this weekend,
told the man live on C-SPAN that if Mr. Bush or Democrats questioned his
commitment to the military and veterans, he would kick the spit out of them.
Only the retired Army general didn't say 'spit.'  And Sen. John Kerry,
Massachusetts Democrat, in an interview with Rolling Stone published this
month, said he never thought the president would go and muck up
reconstruction in Iraq. Only he didn't say 'muck.' "

- Washington Times, 12/23/03

We Knew Ike...And General, You're No Ike

"Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark says it would have been 'easy' for him to
run for president as a Republican because he would remind the Republican
Party of Dwight David Eisenhower."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 12/23/03

Yes, You Did...No I Didn't...Yes You Did...No I Didn't.

"Howard Dean, the current front-runner among Democrats seeking George W.
Bush's job, is denying that he offered rival Wesley Clark a spot on his
ticket.  Dean for America Communications Director Tricia Enright said on
Monday, 'While it's flattering that the Clark campaign has spent the past
two days doing nothing but trying to prove that Governor Dean offered
General Clark a Vice Presidential slot, saying something 100 times doesn't
make it true and this isn't.'

"Clark has told reporters that he would consider Dean (D-VT) or Sen. Hillary
Clinton (D-NY) as his running mate and explained how Dean had offered him
the role of his number two prior to the retired general's decision to get
into the race."

- Talon News, 12/23/03

For the Record

"This year, Republicans in Congress have passed the largest expansion in
federal entitlements in four decades and have presided over record increases
in domestic spending."

- Columnist John Fund,, 12/22/03

Swimming in Pork

"Like most other members of Congress, Representative Jim Gibbons, Republican
of Nevada, tries to do what he can for the folks back home. . . . But it
was...$225,000 to repair a swimming pool in Sparks, Nev., his hometown, that
got Mr. Gibbons in hot water.  The 59-year-old congressman confessed that he
sought the money because he had always felt guilty about clogging the pool's
drain with tadpoles when he was 10 years old.  'Congressman Gibbons is using
taxpayer dollars to repay his debt to society,' Brian M. Reidl, a federal
budget analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a research organization, said in
describing the pool money as his 'favorite pork story.' "

- New York Times, 12/19/03

The High Cost of Compassionate Conservatism

"Many conservatives have joined the lament over current federal spending
trends. Nearly every elephantine program Congress could conceive has met
with White House approval. . . . It is easy to predict this current
borrow-and-spend tactic eventually will backfire, if not from rumblings
within the conservative movement, then by virtue of its own unsustainable

"...Federal spending has jumped drastically and understandably in the
defense budget, considering the one-two punch of being underfunded by the
previous administration and the exigencies created by the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. But tack on $58 billion for 'No Child Left Behind,'
plus the bailout of state governments (apparently running without any adult
supervision), stir in Medicare and energy spending, then add an enormous
portion of pork and 'Houston, we have a problem.'

"...There are many great, positive things to say about this Congress and
this administration. At the same time, there is an undeniable negative -
federal spending."

- Paul Weyrich, president, Free Congress Foundation

The Making of a Conservative

" 'The soul of the new machine,' is how Mother Jones describes Grover
Norquist in an in-depth profile.  'As national ward boss for the right,'
writes Michael Scherer, 'Norquist has gone a long way toward demolishing the
old Democratic agenda. And he isn't done yet.'

"For readers who don't know the 47-year-old president of Americans for Tax
Reform, his invitation-only Wednesday meetings, for which he is the blunt
master of ceremonies, 'have become a hot ticket for Washington's
conservative In Crowd, the place for GOP players to brain-storm, swap
intelligence and see and be seen.'  Even Karl Rove, the president's top
political adviser, is known to drop by. As do senators and congressmen, from
259 of whom Mr. Norquist has secured written promises not to raise taxes.

".'My ideal citizen is the self-employed, home-schooling, IRA-owning guy
with a concealed-carry permit,' he says. 'Because that person doesn't need
the [expletive] government for anything.  And rather than negotiate with the
teachers unions and the trial lawyers and the various leftist interest
groups, we intend to break them,' says Mr. Norquist, who at age 12
volunteered for Richard Nixon's campaign.

"What first turned the former leader of the College Republicans against
unfair taxes?  'After church,' reveals Mr. Scherer, his father would buy him
and his three younger siblings ice-cream cones and then steal bites,
announcing with each chomp, ' 'Oops, income tax. Oops, sales tax.' ' "

- John McCaslin's "Inside the Beltway, 12/23/03

Put Your Two Cents In

Today on the Discussion Board...

*  Death Penalty & Deterrence
*  Big Government/Big Spending
*  Illegal Immigration
*  Drug War Quagmire
*  Zero Tolerance Stupidity
*  Hating George Bush
*  The Patriot Act

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Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

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