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Most of you are receiving the new HTML-version of News & Views with no
problems.  A few bugs still exist for others, and we're working on getting
them fixed.  So I'm sending this particular issue out the old-fashioned way

A new simplified HTML design will be tested with tomorrow's edition which
should take care of most of the remaining problems, including the removal of
the blue background which makes it so difficult to read messages when you
"reply" - and the broken display problems some AOL subscribers have been

And again, for those of you who would prefer to receive a text-only version
of News & Views, just go to and sign up for it by
simply entering your email address in the box at the end of the left-hand
column and clicking on "Go."

Ditto if you haven't been receiving you regular News & Views for the past
week...BUT are getting this one.  If so, for some reason the HTML version
isn't getting to you or is being blocked.  If that's the case, please see
above and go sign up for the new text-only option.

Or here's another new option our designers came up for us.  Just click on
the following link to go online to read each day's automatically updated
issue of News & Views:

One final note on printing out News & Views.  We're not able to produce a
"Printable Page" option just yet, but in the meantime, if you're having
difficulty printing the new HTML version without having part of the
right-hand column cut off, here are two options.

1.)  Highlight all of the text from the daily content portion of the
newsletter, copy it, and then paste it into a separate word-processing
program on your computer, such as Notepad or Word or Wordpad.  Then go ahead
and print.

2.)  Set your print option from "Portrait" to "Landscape."

If you continue to have any difficulties, let me know.  I have no idea how
any of this stuff works, but will forward your problems to our tech guys at
World Profit and have them try to fix 'em for you.


If you haven't chipped in yet for our Winter Fundraising Drive...or taken a
look at our new LIBERTY CALENDAR...please go to

Unlike activist groups on the left, we get no taxpayer money to fund our
operations and the have no "sugar daddies" such as George Soros pouring
millions into our operation.  We rely on voluntary contributions from
readers such as yourself to continue publishing News & Views every
day...along with all the other programs and projects of Citizen Outreach.

Without your continued support, I just might have to scale back our
publishing schedule to just a couple days a week.  You know the old saying:
"You can't save the world if you can't pay the rent."

So please take a moment to check out our new Liberty Calendar, while at the
same time helping us continue bringing you News & Views every day.  All the
details on how kick in a few bucks - either by making a secure online
contribution using your credit card or by sending a check or money - can be
found at

Oh, and by the way, your contribution IS tax-deductible.  Thanks for your
continued support.


A couple weeks ago we posted a "Survey Says!" question asking who you
thought would be the first donkey-dwarf to drop out of the Democrat
presidential race.  Carol Mosely Braun was your #1 choice with 37 percent of
the vote.  And it looks like y'all were dead-on balls accurate, as Braun
prepares to throw her support (what little of it there is) to Howard Dean.
Gov. Whitebread must be thrilled.


"(Thomas) Paine was not content with advocating reform of government.  He
went much further.  Once a truly democratic government is established by the
people what should its goal be? . . . Paine's plan called for free public
education, for the relief of the poor, for old-age pensions, for cash
benefits to be given at birth and at marriage, and for government-provided
jobs and housing to assist the unemployed and immigrants.  He urged
increases in salaries for excise officers (tax collectors), the lower
clergy, and soldiers and sailors.  To pay for the operation of his social
welfare plan, Paine proposed a graduated income tax."

- "Tom Paine: Voice of Revolution" by Milton Meltzer

Chuck Muth's News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan,
501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck
Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists
therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its
officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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