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January 16, 2004

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A dirty diaper by any other name will still stink to the high heavens.  But not if White House spinmeisters have their way.

"President Bush's political strategists, taking note of the unpopularity of his immigration initiative as reflected in public-opinion polls, expressed confidence yesterday that the proposal will gain support as it is recast as an economic and homeland security issue," reported the Washington Times on Thursday.  "Once people have had a chance to educate themselves about the proposal and what it does, support for it will grow," said Christine Iverson, spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee.

"Recast"?  In other words, even though everybody this side of the Rio Grande KNOWS this is an amnesty program by another name, once it is "recast" as something else by the powers-that-be, even if it isn't something else, well...the dupes will change their tune.  In other words, the White House believes it CAN fool enough of the people at least this time.


"OK, Mr. President, I'm trying to hang in with you here, but you're making it tough. Afghanistan? Got it. I know why we had to go into Afghanistan. Iraq? I'm on board. War on terror, Saddam was a terrorist, we gotta go into Iraq. OK. Saudi Arabia? Count me in. (Oops, I'm not supposed to know about that one. Sorry.)

"But Mars? You want us to spend $500 billion to send people to Mars - and none of those people are Michael Moore?  I fail to see the benefit."

- Columnist Michael Graham


"USA Today has unearthed a letter Howard Dean, then governor of Vermont, wrote to President Clinton in July 1995, which gives the lie to any claim that Dean's opposition to liberating Iraq was a matter of principle. 'I have reluctantly concluded that the efforts of the United Nations and NATO in Bosnia are a complete failure,' Dean wrote the president.  'Since it is clearly no longer possible to take action in conjunction with NATO and the United Nations, I have reluctantly concluded that we must take unilateral action.'  If Dean favored unilateral action then, why does he insist now that America was wrong to free Iraq from Saddam Hussein's brutal rule without 'permission' of the U.N.?"

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 1/14/04


"Democrats are so delirious about finding a general who is a pacifist scaredy-cat that no one seems to have bothered to investigate whether Wesley Clark is sane. 

"On 'Meet the Press' back in November, Clark described intelligence as 'a sort of gray goo as you look at it. You can't see through it, exactly, and if you try to touch it, it gets real sticky and you might actually interfere with the information that you're getting back. So you have to draw inferences from it.' No, wait. I'm sorry. I think that was Clark talking about Monica Lewinsky's dress, not national security intelligence."

"...NATO, led by Gen. Wesley Clark, staged a pre-emptive attack on Yugoslavia.  Under Clark's command, the U.S. bombed the Chinese embassy by mistake, killing three Chinese journalists. ... At the end of major combat operations led by NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Wesley Clark, arch-villain Slobodan Milosevic was still in power. (At least Clark won't have to worry about any embarrassing 'mission accomplished' photo-ops coming back to haunt him.) Today, almost a decade and $15 billion later, U.S. troops are still bogged down in the Balkans. No quagmire there!  That's the Democrats' idea of a general."

- Columnist Ann Coulter


"This week ACU filed a lawsuit against Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri. Congressman Gephardt missed 90 percent of the votes in the House in 2003. Federal law requires that congressmen return their pay to the taxpayers for any days they are absent from the House for any reason other than serious illness. ACU's lawsuit demands that the Clerk of the House dock Rep. Gephardt's pay for the days he was absent campaigning for the presidency. ACU believes it's important politicians be held accountable and that the laws are enforced."

- David Keene, chairman, American Conservative Union


"If you want to understand the Democratic presidential race, it may be that your best bet is to switch off CNN and Fox News Channel and turn instead to the Cartoon Network."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 1/15/04


"Three decades ago, supply-side publicist Jude Wanniski coined his 'Two Santa Claus' theory: Tax cuts could be the electoral goodies for Republicans that spending initiatives were for Democrats. ... The Bush administration, however, has done him one better: It has embraced both the Santa Clauses, enacting massive tax cuts and supporting popular spending programs; in three years there's not been one presidential veto of a spending bill.  The result: a looming fiscal train wreck. ... Politicians playing Santa Claus, handing out goodies, know that produces votes; if you pose as two Santa Clauses, even more so. But ultimately there will be a consequence: Their grandchildren will get a lot of coal in their stockings."

- Wall Street Journal columnist Al Hunt


"The battle over federal spending has been joined. Representatives of some of the nation's most influential organizations announced Thursday that they would work toward the defeat of the Omnibus Fiscal Year 2004 spending package. The legislation, which finishes up the work on spending for the current fiscal year that Congress failed to complete through the appropriations process, is expected to come to the Senate floor for a vote around the time President George W. Bush goes to Capitol Hill to deliver his annual State of the Union address. ... Organizers of the effort, who say the United States would be better off if the measure were defeated, call the bill 'a pork-laden, wasteful and reckless scheme that violates principles of limited government and could place the recovery in jeopardy.' "

- UPI's "That's Politics!"


"The federal agency charged with providing security for U.S. airlines, and the airlines themselves are intentionally sabotaging the congressionally-mandated program to train and certify pilots who volunteer to carry guns in the cockpit, according to supporters of the program who claim tens of thousands of pilots have opted out s a result.

"Pilots with knowledge of the Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO), or 'armed pilots' program tell CNSNews.com that the manner in which the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires FFDOs to carry their weapons not only discourages participation, but also renders them defenseless against potential terrorist attacks when they are most vulnerable."

- CNS News, 1/15/04


The White House is planning to spend $1.5 billion to promote healthy marriages, and President Bush could announce plans for the proposal next week in his State of the Union address.  The measure would go towards training to help couples develop interpersonal skills that sustain 'healthy marriages,' especially among low-income couples."

- CNS News, 1/14/04


"The nation's leading teachers' union and its largest state affiliate are planning an aggressive campaign to unionize charter school teachers, who represent a growing faction of workers outside of the unions' realm.  The National Education Association is committing upwards of $1.75 million over the next three years for the effort."

- CNS News, 1/14/04


"Indeed, legislators and the liberal media (witness CBS News' anti-homeschooling hit piece last October) are pushing for increased regulation of homeschooling parents, including criminal background checks, because the grass-roots movement gravely threatens their socialist agenda of promoting dependency.  God forbid children be taught by their own parents without oversight from the all-knowing, all-caring, infallible wizards of the child welfare-public school monopoly!"

- Columnist Michelle Malkin


Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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Chuck Muth
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