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June 4, 2004

Folks, this Stupidity Virus running rampant through our government schools is reaching 
epidemic proportions.  Two new incidents were discovered this morning...one in John 
Kerry’s Massachusetts and the other in Bill Clinton’s Arkansas.  Go figure.  You might 
want to take your blood-pressure medicine before reading these…

KILLER CUPCAKES:  “Students celebrating their birthdays this fall at the Chandler 
School in Duxbury (MA) can expect their classmates to sing ‘Happy Birthday,’ but 
cupcakes are out of the question,” reports the Boston Globe this morning 
  “Concerned that the children are eating too much junk food, the Chandler School 
Council and the Parent Teacher Association are forbidding parents from bringing sweets 
to their child's classroom birthday party.”

A government school “forbidding” CUPCAKES?  What the hell is going on here?  This is 

“ ’We love birthdays, but we decided to shift the focus onto the child and not the 
food,’ said principal Deborah Zetterberg, who is also cochairwoman of the school 
council. ‘What we proposed was to have a birthday package, as we're calling it.’  The 
package includes a special birthday chair cover that will be placed on the back of the 
student's chair, Zetterberg said. The birthday boy or girl can also wear a sash. They 
get a special pencil and a sticker with the school's mascot, the Happy Dragon, she 
said. Preschool and kindergarten students also get to wear a birthday crown, she said.”

Waahooo!  A chair cover, a sash, a sticker and a pencil?  That sounds SOOOOO much 
better than singing “Happy Birthday,” making a wish and blowing out the candles.  Good 

“A letter was sent home to parents this week alerting them to the sweets ban. . . . 
Traditionally, parents bring in treats for an entire class when it is their child's 
birthday, Zetterberg said. But a new practice will begin in September when parents 
will no longer be allowed to bring in sweets, she said.”

“No longer be allowed to bring in sweets”?  Will parents be given a “time out” or be 
put in the corner?  How many years of college does it take to attain such a level of 
non-intelligence?  How do these people become PRINCIPALS of schools?  

Here’s the contact information:

Principal Deborah Zetterberg
(781) 934-7680  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

GRADE INFLATION:  “To combat childhood obesity,” reports Fox News this morning 
(http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,121735,00.html), “every Arkansas public school 
student this month will be receiving two report cards in the mail: one assessing them 
on math, science and social studies, and the other grading them on their weight.”  
Margo Bushmiaer, health services nanny for the Little Rock School District says, 
“We're going to know how many are overweight, how many are underweight, how many are 
normal weight."  How lovely.  

Parents can expect their government-issued report card on whether or not their kid is 
a “fatty” by as early as next week.  Yeah, this ought to be GREAT for kids’ 
self-esteem, huh?  In fact, while the stupidity of such a measure is lost on 
government school functionaries, at least parents - who generally don’t possess the 
education degrees of our government school educators - immediately recognized the huge 
problem with this boneheaded move.

“There are some children that probably will be teased with other children knowing how 
much they weigh and starting to make fun of them," said Karen Phelps, the parent of a 
fourth grader.  Fox News notes that, “There is also concern that the weight-oriented 
report cards may cause an epidemic of anorexia and bulimia among older students.”  No 
problemo, though.  “The school district says it will now be on the lookout for those 
health problems.”

Wonderful.  The school morons who came up with this original moronic idea are going to 
be looking out for a new potential problem which they can address with a new moronic 
solution.  Oh, we feel MUCH better now.

Contact information:

Margo Bushmiaer
(501) 447-7480

Apparently, the school district is operating without a permanent superintendent at 
present time, which may explain why it appears the inmates are running the asylum.  So 
you might also want to contact school board President Tony Rose and suggest that some 
immediate adult supervision of the school district health nanny may be in order...or 
just copy him on any notes you send to Herr Bushmiaer.  His email address is: [EMAIL 

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

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