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On Thursday, the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee voted to send the nomination of 
Dawn Tisdale for a vacancy on the Postal Rate Commission to the entire Senate for a 
confirmation vote.  Tisdale is a former postal worker and union leader who should not 
be placed in a position of regulating the very system he’s been working in for years.  
In our online survey on this matter, 92% of you thought this nominee should be 
rejected.  Yesterday, we faxed a letter to the Senate urging just that action.  
Included in our letter are selected comments regarding this issue from a number of you 
which were posted on our Discussion Board.  You can read our letter to the Senate on 
today’s News & Views EXTRA page at:  http://www.chuckmuth.com/newsandviews/nv.cfm


Los Angeles County shamefully buckled under an extortion threat by the ACLU and 
announced this week that it will remove a teensy-tiny little gold cross which is 
barely visible on its official county seal rather than defend itself in court over the 
ridiculous notion that the cross somehow violated the separation of church and state 
doctrine.  At least there was one county supervisor who objected to the decision.  “I 
do not think we should capitulate,” he said.  “As the largest county in America, if we 
roll over, what’s next?”  Look out Corpus Christi!


“It turns out that Bob Dole, P. X. Kelly and all the other folk who had something to 
do with the building of the World War II memorial owe an explanation and an apology to 
the American people. It turns out that they edited, or approved the editing of 
President Roosevelt’s talk to the nation on Dec. 8, 1941, announcing the Japanese 
attack on Pearl Harbor, to make it politically correct.  They chopped off the last 
four words.

“No big deal, you say. Yes it is a big deal. They are not idle words; they are key 
words.  In the last sentence of his talk Roosevelt said this: ‘With confidence in our 
armed forces, with the unbounded determination of our people, we will gain the 
inevitable triumph--so help us God.’  The engraving leaves off ‘so help us God.’

“There is no excuse for this. Regardless of one’s religious beliefs, historical 
accuracy should demand that the words be included.  Those responsible for leaving them 
out should be ashamed of themselves. They have done a disservice to every visitor to 
the memorial as well as to the memory of President Roosevelt. This is one time 
Americans, regardless of party or religion should rise up in protest.”

- Lyn Nofziger, “Musings,” 6/4/04


“(Democrat sugar-daddy George) Soros says that the pictures from Abu Ghraib ‘...hit us 
the same way as the terrorist attack itself.’  Three thousand people died in the 
attacks on the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon.  If any of the prisoners died from 
the abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison, I missed the story.  Soros looks at  pictures of 
bodies falling to the streets around the World Trade Towers; at pictures of the 
wreckage of an American Airlines jet in Pennsylvania, and at pictures of the burning 
Pentagon, and tells us that these pictures are no worse than the pictures of naked 
Iraqi men wearing women's panties on their heads.”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz


“A group of Democrats in the House said yesterday that they would begin their own 
probe of the Iraq prison-abuse scandal” in order to keep the issue alive in hopes of 
hurting George Bush in the November elections reports Greg Pierce in his “Inside 
Politics” column on Friday.  This reminded us of something President Abraham Lincoln 
said during the War Between the States: “Congressmen who willfully take actions during 
wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be 
arrested, exiled or hanged.”

Can’t we do all three?


“Sen. Carl Levin stopped a Bush nominee to the federal appeals court yesterday in a 
continuing effort to reserve the seat for the wife of his first cousin” reported the 
Washington Times on Friday.  This was the 20TH TIME that Michigan Judge Henry W. Saad 
has had his confirmation vote blocked by Democrats in the Senate.  

Note that Saad was NOT one of the judicial nominations which the D’s agreed to allow 
to come to the floor for a vote in exchange for the president’s promise not to 
exercise his constitutional authority to recess-appoint any more judges for the 
duration of his first term.

It’s a damn good thing today’s Republican leaders who are handling the judicial 
confirmation war weren’t in charge of negotiating Japan’s surrender back in ‘45.  We’d 
all be eating at McSushi’s today.

I’m sorry.  Was that culturally insensitive?


“Responding to the San Francisco ruling (that the partial-birth abortion ban was 
unconstitutional), Planned Parenthood President Gloria Feldt said it’s not only about 
‘a woman’s right to choose,’ but ‘a doctor’s right to practice medicine.’   If 
partial-birth abortion is ‘practicing medicine,’ was last month’s beheading of Nick 
Berg by Islamic terrorists in Iraq a ‘surgical procedure’?”

- Columnist Cal Thomas


Get this one. The “American Literacy Council” protested this year’s National Spelling 
Bee in Washington, DC, claiming English is too hard for foreigners to learn, thereby 
making it “discriminatory.”  The ALC, in a press release, said English spelling isn’t 
something to be celebrated and a bunch of boneheaded picketers wore signs bearing 
slogans such as “Enuf is enuf” and “I’m thru with through.”  

Again, this from a group calling itself the American LITERACY Council.  What’s the 
phonetic spelling of “oxymoron”?


The following letter by News & Views reader Alan Jeffcoat of Racine, WI,  was sent to 
Principal Zetterberg in response to her announced “ban” on cupcakes in school.  It’s 
fairly representative of the general spirit of most of the emails I’ve seen which were 
sent...and is an excellent counter to the minority of so-called “conservatives” who 
saw the cupcake ban as a reasonable solution to the so-called “obesity” problem in 
today’s kids…

“When does the lunacy end? Never, it seems. I assume your main concern is kids getting 
fat from eating sweets. So, I have a solution: Why don't you go to their houses, 
disconnect the satellite dish, cable TV, or the X Box. Get them off the couch and 
outside playing like most kids did when I was young. Problem solved! 
“Although if they were outside playing, there would be some adult telling them they 
can't keep score because it has to be fair for all involved and you surely wouldn't 
want a child to be stigmatized by being on the losing team. No one can play rough or 
ride their bikes or skateboards without padding them up like a hockey goalie.  Let the 
kids be kids for heaven sakes!!!”

Enuf sed.


Florida rescinded its motorcycle helmet mandate a couple years ago, so John Kerry 
wasn’t breaking any local helmet law on his visit there this week.  BTW: Florida is 
also one of the only states without a state income tax.


Will the new Medicare prescription drug discount cards be of significant benefit to 
senior citizens once they learn about and start using them?

*  Yes
*  No
*  Not Sure

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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