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For those of you interested in the ILLEGAL immigration issue and who listened to that 
recent radio interview out in Los Angeles featuring the political tap dancing talents 
of border (out-of-)control chief Asa Hutchinson on the John & Ken Show, you'll be 
interested in the latest effort by the talk show hosts.  

The pair are targeting for ballot box defeat one prominent Republican congressman from 
the southern California area over this issue.  They say their effort "is meant as a 
wake-up call to Republican leaders who ignore their constituents’ pleas for stronger 
border enforcement for fear of offending Hispanic voters or the agriculture industry." 
 The project has been dubbed "Political Human Sacrifice" and listeners are voting on 
who should be cast off the congressional island.

The threat is not being taken lightly...as most folks acknowledge that the power and 
reach of the John & Ken Show could quite possibly succeed in taking out its intended 
"victim," who will be selected around Labor Day.  Currently Rep. David Dreier - the 
powerful Chairman of the Rules Committee and staunch conservative with a Lifetime ACU 
Rating of 92 - is leading in the polls. 

This is one race the congressman does NOT want to win.

Republicans have long benefited from the power of conservative talk radio.  But it 
seems that power might just be turned against one of its own in order to make a point 
over an emotional issue which is burning up grassroots activists while the 
inside-the-beltway folks twiddle their thumbs...including the White House.  If John & 
Ken's effort is successful, it would be one hell of a wake-up call.

Read all about it HERE:  



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