Arthur wrote:

> Yesterday everything worked. Today, trying to reply to a message I get:
> --------
> In message 
> <>,
> "B. William via Remind-fans" writes:
> >dGhlIGRhdGVzOgoKcmVtaW5kIC1zKzQgLXEgLXIgfi8ucmVtaW5kZXJzIHwgY3V0IC1jNi0xMCwx

It looks like the text part of the message that you're replying to was
not base64-decoded.  You could verify that by viewing the message with
"show -nocheckmime -showproc less".

If the text part is still encoded, you could decode it in the message itself,
or a copy, with mhfixmsg(1).

I don't know why it would have worked yesterday but not today.


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