Dear Toufigh,

I guess you've got a relatively large model and/or dataset - R has bumped up 
against its memory limit under your version of Windows (which I'm assuming 
you're using based on the error message). Which version are you using? 32-bit 
or 64-bit? 

To support what Andy and Jeroen have suggested, the solutions are typically to 
get more RAM, upgrade R, upgrade to a 64-bit OS if you aren't already running 
on one, or to reduce the scope of the problem. You could accomplish the latter 
by  running the parameter vs covariate comparisons by hand, or by doing them in 
smaller batches. See help(xpose.prefs-class) for details related to changing 
the definitions of the parameters and covariates in the Xvardef section of an 
Xpose data object - shortening the vectors of parameters (parms) and covariates 
will reduce the dimensionality or the problem.

You could also try upping the memory limit (using memory.limit), but this may 
not work. There's a short discussion of Windows memory limits in R here:

Hope this helps!


On Jan 13, 2012, at 9:28 AM, Toufigh Gordi wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to plot model parameters  vs. covariates suing Xpose. The data 
> file is rather large and I get the following message:
> In initialize(value, ...) :
>   Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
> 2: In initialize(value, ...) :
>   Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
> Error in print(parm.vs.cov(.cur.db)) :
>   error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 
> 'print': Error: cannot allocate vector of size 171 Kb
> Can anybody offer a remedy?
> Thanks!
> Toufigh


Justin Wilkins, PhD

Exprimo NV

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