Dear NMusers,
The DDMoRe model repository has reached a milestone!

Have you seen that more than 100 models have been shared in the DDMoRe Model 
 only a few weeks after the end of the project? These models cover many 
therapeutic areas (e.g. 24 oncology models, 19 diabetes models) as well as 
models with advanced technical features (e.g. Markov models, item response 
theory models)

Do you know that they are ready to be used, and can be downloaded right now (as 
original code or in one of the DDMoRe modelling languages)? See here two 
 (original code) or<>
 (pharmML/MDL code)

You don't need to register to browse and download!
Why? Because we believe in community sharing, and the more we share and receive 
input, the better our models become.  Because the best part of pharmacometrics 
is that we are learning all the time.  Because a good, actual working model 
example, properly annotated, is worth ten written descriptions in a journal 
article.  And because openness and transparency are essential to allow others 
to critique and follow our work.
Don't you agree?
Help us build the future, improve YOUR products and be a contributor!
Come and ask us all your questions at the DDMoRe presentation at ACoP on Monday 
24th October from 6.00 to 7.30 PM!
DDMoRe foundation

Mats Karlsson, PhD
Professor of Pharmacometrics

Dept of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Faculty of Pharmacy
Uppsala University
Box 591
75124 Uppsala

Phone: +46 18 4714105
Fax + 46 18 4714003<>

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