The nlmixr team is very proud to announce the release of nlmixr, an open source 
package for population PK and PKPD modelling developed by Wenping Wang and Yuan 
Xiong. nlmixr builds on Wenping's RxODE package for simulation of nonlinear 
mixed effect models using ordinary differential equations, by implementing 
parameter estimation algorithms like nlme, gnlmm and SAEM. nlmixr greatly 
expands the utility of existing packages (like nlme) by providing an efficient 
and versatile way to specify pharmacometric models and dosing scenarios, with 
rapid execution due to compilation to C++.

The source is now available at 
along with a vignette, and the models and datasets used in the nlmixr/nlme 
poster to be presented at ACoP (W-66): nlmixr: an open-source package for 
pharmacometric modelling in R on Wednesday, 26 October, 2016, 7:30-9:30 am. At 
this point, nlmixr is still very much in a testing stage and is under lively 
development. Get in touch, see us at ACoP to discuss ways you could contribute 
(Wenping Wang, Yuan Xiong, Justin Wilkins and Rik Schoemaker will all be 
there), or try it out for yourself, and experience the joy of a population 
modelling package within R! A live demo will be possible, so come see Rik if 
you are interested!

Wenping Wang, PhD
Executive Director, Pharmacometrics
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
One Health Plaza, East Hanover, NJ 07936-1080, USA
Phone +1  862 7789009; Fax +1  9737818265

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