Dear Pieter,

Your trick worked fine : the duration of the table creation was reduced from 
(theoretical) 70 days to one hour !

Thank you very much :)

Kind regards,

Jean-Marie Martinez
Modeling & Simulation Group
Sanofi Montpellier

De : Pieter Colin []
Envoyé : mercredi 23 novembre 2016 11:19
À : Martinez, Jean-Marie R&D/FR;
Objet : RE: No TABLE output with 1500 measurements per individual

Dear Jean-Marie Martinez,

We've encountered a similar problem in the past.
Per my understanding calculation of the CWRES might be the problem here.
By adding WRESCHOL as option in your first table, after the "FILE="-statement, 
this problem should be resolved.

Kind regards,

Pieter Colin
University Medical Center Groningen
Department of Anesthesiology (EB32)

[] On Behalf Of<>
Sent: woensdag 23 november 2016 9:16
Subject: [NMusers] RE: No TABLE output with 1500 measurements per individual

Dear NM-Users,

We are trying to model with NONMEM 7.3 (FOCE.I) a dataset containing one 
measurement per minute for 68 individuals, for a total of 1440 measurements per 
individual. The dataset is therefore composed of ~100,000 rows.
After having defined $SIZES adequately (LIM6 statement), the (successful) 
minimization of the algorithm takes few minutes, without any warning or error 

The problem is that the TABLE output step is nearly impossible to obtain. Even 
with the FIRSTONLY statement, no table can be obtained in a reasonable time 

Trying to limit the table contents to ID & IPRED only does not solve the issue.

We performed some additional tests with MSF files as input. When applying MSF 
to a dataset composed of only ONE individual at a time, the table takes 24 
hours to be generated.
This would therefore take 68 days (if time increases proportionally... ?) to 
obtain PRED & IPRED for all individuals.

When implementing the model in an alternative commercial software, the table is 
output in less than 20 minutes.

A solution would be to use MSF on a reduced dataset i.e., with a (randomly) 
decreased number of measurements per individual, but we want to avoid this.
What other solution do we have ?

Can anyone provide some input on it ?

Thanks !

Jean-Marie Martinez
Modeling & Simulation Group
Sanofi Montpellier

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