Lars Thegler said:
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Claes Jakobsson <> wrote:

My plan is to organize a two or three day multi-track technology focused open source event/conference in Stockholm late may/early june next year and if it's ok with people having NPW as an part of that might be nice as it would also broaden the audience a bit.

Awesome! \o/

Sounds perfectly fine, a bit like what Oslo did in 2009 with the Go Open conference?

We tried this in 2009, and it didn't work out as well as I hoped. Here are a couple of things I learned from that event. I hope this obvious, yet completely unsolicited advice doesn't fill your brain with unnecessary redundancies that are not necessary. ;)

- Find a conference venue that holds the full set of tracks. We got stowed away at the top floor of the building where Go Open happened, and even if there were good things about that, we failed in many ways to be visible to the other attendees.

- Make sure there's NO "special NPW program section" for any track. One conference, one program.

- If you can, try to allow plenty of time for the hallway track. 10 minute breaks are too short in my experience, especially if moving between tracks requires more than a short walk across the hallway.

- A common lunch area helps a lot. Make sure to have interesting and/or provoking talks before lunch, so everyone has someting to talk about during lunch.

- Don't pitch competing views or technology alternatives against eachother on different tracks at the same time. If you want people to learn different (opposing) arguments in a discussion, let them attend the all necessary talks.

- Salve

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