Hi, sorry. The example was in an earlier message in the thread: 

I fixed the problem for now by forcing a page break where it was needed.

On Tue, May 14, 2024, at 6:57 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
> Ross Schulman schrieb am 07.05.2024 um 01:33:
>> So, unfortunately while using `\testpage` helped in the version of the 
>> resume I was working on at the time, I've encountered the error again now 
>> that some different content is making the page break at a different point, 
>> and setting `\testpage` as high as 6 is not fixing the problem. Is there 
>> something else I can/should try?
> For the start you can show us a minimal example with the problem.
> When you're still trying to create a paragraph with different text widths 
> there are limitations. TeX always typesets more text than it can fit on the 
> current page and when on the next page the text widths changes this is to 
> late for TeX at this moment because the text has already been set with the 
> width of the previous page.
> Wolfgang
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