
thanks for your reaction! Here is the minimal example:

1. brief-test.tex is the letter.
2. brief-inhoud-test is the letter content.
3. test-data.xml contains some addresses

The problem is that any backslash in the letter content is changed into `` in the pdf file. In the "reference" I also put a backslash (after the item "concerns"), but this one survives.

To get that result I use:
\input brief-inhoud-test.tex

If I use
\input brief-inhoud-test.tex

the content is not loaded into the letter at all; the result is then ``input brief-inhoud-test.tex instead of the content of the file.

The encoding problem with \ is described in one of your manuals, but I really don't know where to repair it.

A second problem is that the first address slides down to the content much more than it should. I tried to circumvent that by inserting a dummy address.

Thanks in advance,

Robert Ermers

h h extern wrote:
Rob Ermers wrote:

Dear Friends,

It seems I am really having a problem. The backslash in my import document yields “.

\input brieftekst

My document (brieftext.tex) among other things contains the following string:

ge\"interesseerde, which yields --> ge“”interesseerde

I am unable to use any normal code in my text, which is very problematic!

... a minimal example ...

looks like an encoding mismatch or so


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
     tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
                                             | www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>

<ref name="contacts">

<define name="contacts">
<element name="contacts">
<ref name="contacts.contact"/>
<ref name="contacts.contactgroup"/>
<ref name="contacts.contactfile"/>

<define name="contacts.contactgroup">
<element name="contactgroup">
<ref name="contactgroup.member">
<attribute name="label"/>

<define name="contactgroup.member">
<element name="member">

<define name="contacts.contact">
<element name="contact">
<optional><ref name="contact.address"/></optional>
<optional><ref name="contact.opm"/></optional>
<attribute name="label" name="regio" name="num"/>

<contact label=`marle.k.van'>
<initials>K. van</initials>
<prefix>Heer van</prefix>
<p>K. van Marle</p>
<p>Ridderstraat 27</p>
<p>8061GH Hasselt NL</p>
     <contact num="297" regio="n3" label=`num297'>
      <contact num="1" regio="z3" label=`num1'>
          <p>J. Jansen</p>
          <p>Langeweg 66</p>
          <p>Aalsterweg 29</p>
          <p>1234 AB Eindhoven</p>
     <contact num="2" regio="z3" label=`num2'>
          <p>J. Pietersen</p>
          <p>Korteweg 66</p>
          <p>Aalsterweg 29</p>
          <p>B-1234 Zonhoven</p>
     <contact num="3" regio="z3" label=`num3'>
          <p>J. van den Berg</p>
          <p>Laan der Drie\"eenheid</p>
          <p>1234 AB Beginhoven</p>

<!-- 334 records written -->

<contactgroup label=`n'>
Hierbij deel ik u mede dat we hier erg effici\"ent werken en niet 
ge\"interesseerd zijn in ge\"evolueerde dieselmotoren.

%starttext \setups [letter:place] \stoptext \endinput




%  graphic=briefpapier-mo-p.011.pdf,


%  [letter:data]
%  [opening=,
%   initials=,
%   prefix=,
%   suffix=,
%   informalname=,
%   formalname=]
%   noflines=10]

\setvariables[letter:address][line=6, hoffset=100mm,width=70mm]

%\XMLflush{address} \endgraf

%\input brieftekst-pol-jan2005

\input brief-inhoud-test.tex

concerns=Ge\"interesseerd?, date=10 januari 2005, author=Dr. R.J.H.M. Ermers

\setvariables[contacts][selection=n, file=test-data.xml]




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