On 8/16/2022 1:43 PM, amano.kenji via ntg-context wrote:
Even if I put the installation in an archive and make a linux package that 
installs the archive, I still have to modify contextcnf.lua which isn't 
intended to handle differing system-wide installation paths of various 
POSIX-like operating systems.

And, I don't really know

* what the variables in contextcnf.lua mean and do.
* whether there is a way to override certain variables in contextcnf.lua with 
another file. A separate override file is going to make it easy for linux 
distributions to override certain variables in contextcnf.lua.
  mtxrun --generate

reports all kind of locations where configurations files are looked for

one can also set environment variables and see what is used

  mtxrun --variables
  mtxrun --expansions

so there are plenty ways to configure and you can run

>mtxrun --configurations

which on my machine gives

system | resolved | file : c:/data/develop/tex-context/tex/texmf-local/web2c/texmfcnf.lua system | resolved | file : c:/data/develop/tex-context/tex/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua

indicating that i use an additional configuration file

there are some boundary conditions:

- we use mtxrun as runner and that one used luatex as lua engine
- this means that mtxrun[.lua] has to be in the same path as the binary

in lmtx we even go a bit further:

- in lmtx there is mtxrun.lua
- as well as context.lua
- there are 'mtxrun' and 'context' binaries that are either copies or symlinks to luametatex in the same path
- this is the same on unix and windows

in lmtx luametatex is also used as runner for mkiv when installed

on unix i normally just install the minimal tree and then either add the bin path to the path or just run mtxrun fully qualified (actually always for the whole system under /data/context)


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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wiki     : https://contextgarden.net

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