On 10/17/2022 8:43 AM, Otared Kavian via ntg-context wrote:

I use Lucida in my documents and did not notice any problem with the integrals 
and other large operators.
Do you mean in the future I have to update to a new version of Lucida (and pay 
again…) or will future versions of LuaMetaTeX handle correctly large operators 
typeset in Lucida ?

I think there is some free upgrade policy. In general the old font should work ok given that one can live with the (current) inaccuracies (ance it's done there will be an article about the improvemnets that clarifies things).

We already concluded long ago that the suite of math fonts is somewhat inconsistent (between and within fonts). We try to deal with that as good as possible and believe that we have found the right mixed approach. If needed we can catch averythign in the goodie files but we try to minimize it so once this is all settled down, we can improve specific font related issues based on {\em realistic} user mwe's as we go.

Concerning large operators .. it worked before so ... the main reason why in e.g. euler it failed was a configuration option (euler fonts will be fixed too) which is a side effect of more advanced script anchoring in lmtx.

The issue I observed with the new upload of 2022.10.15 is that the 
presentations I typeset with the simpleslides module are broken after three 
pages, but could not set up a minimal working example to send to the list. 
Those presentations are typeset correctly with previous versions.
Has Metapost changed some crucial settings ?
some mp->tex interfacing macros were upgraded but that should not really matter much so i need an example of what goes wrong (quite some month ago we fixed some left/right page related interfacing but that should not affect single sided documents)


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl

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