Dear Aditya,

I did what you told me,

set RUBYLIB=..../texmf.local/scripts/context/ruby
export $RUBYLIB

But there is no change in the output of "texmfstart --verbose texexec".

I copied texexec.rb in the home directory, then I got

~ mac$ texmfstart --verbose texexec
texmfstart version 1.8.6
expanding 'texexec' to 'texexec.rb'
locating 'texexec.rb' in current path '.'
registering 'texexec' as '/Users/mac/texexec.rb'
'texexec.rb' located in current path
registering 'THREAD' as '/Users/mac'
starting texexec
using 'system' call: ruby /Users/mac/texexec.rb
/Users/mac/texexec.rb:10:in `require': No such file to load -- base/ 
switch (LoadError)
         from /Users/mac/texexec.rb:10

According to this message, it locate texexec.rb. However, the commnad

        texmfstart texexec --make en

did nothing but only a message like this.

/Users/mac/texexec.rb:10:in `require': No such file to load -- base/ 
switch (LoadError)
         from /Users/mac/texexec.rb:10

Would you please tell me what I have to do more?

Thank you for reading.

Best regards,

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