The bibdemo.tex example on the Wiki
<> fails with complaints about
\newcommand being undefined.  The problem is that xampl.bib (which here
is /usr/share/texmf-tetex/bibtex/bib/base/xampl.bib on this teTeX 3.0
distribution) has this:

@preamble{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
        # "\newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} "
        # "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} "
        # "\newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} " }

So bibtex puts those LaTeX commands at the top of the .bbl file, and
ConTeXt doesn't know about \newcommand.  A temporary workaround is to
define those commands by hand (see below).  A better workaround is to
define \newcommand.  latex.ltx has a long and involved one, but maybe
there's a nicer ConTeXt way?

Meanwhile, the following example works (context version 2006.04.17 23:14):

As \cite[article-full] already indicated, bibtex is a \LaTeX-centric program.

I'll put this version on the wiki, if there's no clean solution (unless
I've missed an easy fix to the \newcommand problem).

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