
I've used LaTeX for a while and found articles about ConTeXt yesterday and decided give it a try since its different approach.

Reading the docs I've found it only works with ASCII.

So I've tried to do the convertion UTF-8 => ASCII using iconv, without success: it failed to convert the first 'accented character' it encounters.

I'm searching to solve this problem, but would like to know if there's any doc on 'non-ascii' editing of ConTeXt files.

If there are other people writing in portuguese, like me, and specially brazilians, is there a way to implement ABNT standard ?

Any docs on theses subjects: 'non-ascii' input, 'portuguese/brazilian' and 'ABNT', would be appreciated :)

I use 'vim' and 'textmate' as my primary editors for *TeX*, and my platform is MacOSX (Leopard).

Thanks in advance.
João Macaíba <joao.maca...@gmail.com>

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