On Dec 3, 2009, at 4:12 AM, luigi scarso wrote:

Maybe epub as backend is a more interesting  idea:
given (some kind of gentle ) tex file one can produce an epub file as result.

You're putting the cart before the horse.

Sadly, epub is rather lacking in markup capabilities.

Instead, one should use a full-fledged markup scheme such as TEI, then one can convert that using an XSLT and add a nicely designed CSS to create a .epub which will be as good as it gets, but unfortunately, won't be as nice to read as a nicely formatted .pdf due to limitations of the H&J capabilities of .epub viewing programs.

An excellent example of the limitations of the .epub format in comparison to .pdf is _Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy_:



William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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