* Hans Hagen <pra...@wxs.nl> [100828 15:34]:
> On 28-8-2010 1:16, John Magolske wrote:
>> I'd like to get some Postscript Type1 fonts working with MK IV
>> (installed via the minimals under Linux).
> put the afm files in the tree as well
> - either in the afm subtree (with pfb's in the type1 subtree)
> - or in the data tree (alongside pfb's)
> then run mtxrun --generate

Thanks -- I put a SabonLT-Roman.afm and a SabonLT-Roman.pfb into
~/.fonts and got things working.

But I'm having a heck of a time with another font family. It's a PS
Type1 font for Mac, and I've tried all sorts of things in attempting
to generate .pfb & .afm files from the original Mac PS Type1 fonts ...
fontforge, fondu, type1afm, font2afm ... on the Mac & on my Linux box.
But I can't get an afm/pfb combo that works. I've pasted the output of
a `context` command below (changed the font name here as I don't think
its license allows for converting it).

Is it inherently tricky to get Type1 PS Mac fonts working with ConTeXt
& luatex on Linux? I'm trying to avoid spending another $300 for some
fonts I already purchased but can no longer use (not on a Mac much any
more). I was able to use these *.pfb fonts with LaTeX + xetex in the
past under Linux.

Also, the SabonLT-Roman.afm file that came from Linotype has a section
titled "StartKernData", but .afm files generated using type1afm,
fontforge, font2afm, etc. have no kerning section. Would using such
.afm files cause sub-standard output with regard to kerning?

Any suggestions/clarifications much appreciated,



% context test1.tex

MTXrun | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/john/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache
/context/de...42/formats/cont-en" --lua="/home/john/context/tex/texmf-cache
/luatex-cache/context/de...42/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend=pdf "./test1.tex
"This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.61.0-2010072816
 \write18 enabled.

ConTeXt  ver: 2010.08.20 00:00 MKIV  fmt: 2010.8.22  int: english/english

system          : cont-new loaded
systems         : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex
system          : cont-fil loaded
loading         : ConTeXt File Synonyms
system          : cont-sys.rme loaded

system          : test1.top loaded
fonts           : preloading latin modern fonts
bodyfont        : 12pt rm is loaded
language        : language en is active
load afm        > reading /home/john/.fonts/SomeMacintoshPSfont.afm
load afm        > unifying /home/john/.fonts/SomeMacintoshPSfont.afm
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0000 for unknown glyph name 
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0001 for unknown glyph name ffl
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0002 for unknown glyph name ffi
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0003 for unknown glyph name ff
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0004 for unknown glyph name nbspace
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0005 for unknown glyph name FL261
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0006 for unknown glyph name fi
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0007 for unknown glyph name 
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0008 for unknown glyph name 
load afm        > assigning private slot U+F0009 for unknown glyph name fl
load afm        > add ligatures
load afm        > add tex-ligatures
load afm        > add extra kerns
load afm        > add tounicode data
load afm        > saving: SomeMacintoshPSfont in cache
report | lua: compiling /home/john/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context
/de675cef24f333545b18002e92921442/fonts/afmacintoshPSfont.tma into
define fonts    > source file 'SomeMacintoshPSfont' is not found
define fonts    > unable to determine font format for ''
publications    : loading formatting style from bxml-apa
systems         : begin file test1.tex at line 10
pages           > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1
systems         : end file test1.tex at line 12
system          : cont-err loaded
systems         : no file 'cont-sys.tex', using 'cont-sys.rme' instead
Type1: Could not open Type1 font: (null)) )
MTXrun | fatal error: return code: 1

John Magolske
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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