On 26-6-2011 10:52, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

Am 26.06.2011 um 22:18 schrieb Thomas Schmitz:

This is a short sentence to check \index{test}the \tex{index} command.
This is another sentence for the test\index{test}.
The problem when you put the \index command before a word is that
it can end in a visible space at the end of the previous line.
Thanks, Wolfgang. Just to confirm: yes, this short test does indeed show 
exactly the effects I was referring to. So question to Taco: could some lua 
trickery somehow get around these nasty effects?  Because they really make 
finishing a long project somewhat difficult...

The effect is caused by \forcecolorhack and when uncomment
my redefinition you can see that the output is as expected
but there has to be a reason why Hans use it.

the colorhack is needed to getsomething with a reference; i'll change it to a signal (let's see where that fails)


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
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