On 12/18/2017 11:50 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:

sorry for insisting, but I really need this.

I have the following sample:


     a \TEX\ inline comment: \context{ag%befe}

     \Lua\ inline comment: \lua{agb --efe}

     This is text. % a comment, not \comment

     <p>This is text.<!--and this is a comment--></p>

     if code=="code" then --this is a comment

Would it be possible that all comments in type and typing (at least, for
Lua, XML and TeX) would have the same formatting for the whole comment
contents, including the comment signs?

Sorry, but with the current output, it is hard to see (for total
newbies) what is part of the comment and what not. And the text editor
will display something different.

It depends on the lexer ...

% \usemodule[scite] % use editor logic

% DIffers per lexer:


I’m afraid that the scite module isn’t an option for me.
Then you need to configure the highligheters yourself


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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