On 5/31/2021 6:50 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 31 May 2021, Hans Hagen wrote:


I uploaded a new lmtx version. This time a new mechanism.

This is very interesting...I haven't played around with it, but is it the case 
that \markanchor does not do alignment and so can completely replace the old 
\hpos{...} class of macros?

This also gives many interesting possibilities for math .... drawing "boxes" in 
matrices (e.g., 
https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/333011/draw-a-box-around-matrix-elements) or even 
the nath style `\wall` macro (see pg 11 of https://texdoc.org/serve/nathguide.pdf/0) ... 
Of course, I mean this in terms of the visual effect and not the interface.
Like this ... I'll think about taking some size into account (a bit like hpos does).


    fill OverlayBox withcolor "lightgray" ;
    drawdot anchorxy("one", 0, 1)
        withpen pencircle scaled 1mm
        withcolor "red" ;
    drawdot anchorxy("one", 0, 2)
        withpen pencircle scaled 1mm
        withcolor "red" ;
    drawdot anchorxy("two", 0, 1)
        withpen pencircle scaled 1mm
        withcolor "red" ;
    drawdot anchorxy("two", 0, 2)
        withpen pencircle scaled 1mm
        withcolor "red" ;
    drawdot anchorxy("three", 0, 1)
        withpen pencircle scaled 1mm
        withcolor "red" ;
    setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

    pair a ; a := anchorxy("one", 0, 1) ;
    pair b ; b := anchorxy("one", 0, 2) ;
        anchorxy("one", 0, 1) { right } ..
        anchorxy("one", 0, 2)
        withcolor "blue" withtransparency (1,.75) ;
        anchorxy("two", 0, 1) { down } ..
        anchorxy("two", 0, 2)
        withcolor "blue" withtransparency (1,.75) ;
        anchorxy("two", 0, 1) { dir 30 } ..
        anchorxy("three", 0, 1)
        withcolor "blue" withtransparency (1,.75) ;
    setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;


      \NC \markanchor{two}{0}{1}a \NC b \NC c\NR
      \NC a \NC b \NC c\NR
      \NC a \NC \markanchor{one}{0}{1}b \NC c\NR
      \NC \markanchor{one}{0}{2}a \NC b \NC \markanchor{two}{0}{2}c\NR
      \NC a \NC \markanchor{three}{0}{1}b \NC c\NR

    pair a ; a := anchorxy("a", 0, 1) ;
    pair b ; b := anchorxy("a", 0, 2) ;
    draw boundingbox (a--b)
        leftenlarged .25EmWidth
        rightenlarged EmWidth
        topenlarged StrutHeight
        bottomenlarged .5StrutDepth
        withcolor "blue" withtransparency (1,.75) ;
    setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;


      \NC a \NC                     a \NC                       b \NC c\NR
      \NC a \NC                     a \NC                       b \NC c\NR
      \NC a \NC \markanchor{a}{0}{1}a \NC                       b \NC c\NR
      \NC a \NC                     a \NC \markanchor{a}{0}{2}b \NC c\NR
      \NC a \NC                     a \NC                       b \NC c\NR
      \NC a \NC                     a \NC                       b \NC c\NR


The \markanchor{a}{0}{1 can be wrapped in a simpler one, or we can have something \markedanchor{a}{2}{b} but that need a little thinking because we don't want to mess too much with math spacing. Actually we can consider (in this case) \MC[a,2] or so although these are probabbly not features used that often.


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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