I don't think the "no mac" setting will influence these warnings - but
you probably need it anyway (most times you do).


Maybe check the rrd configs and play with the update timers?  Also, any
detail you don't "need" disable so that rrd is storing only what you'll
actually use.


Lastly, if your switch supports it maybe have it mirror TX and RX so you
only need a single interface and NIC for monitoring.  Merging tends to
distort the details of full duplex traffic.  Ie:  Is 45Mb/s on a T3 bad?
Well, if the traffic is all unidirectional  - say ingress - yea,
probably bad cause that circuit is maxed.  If however it's 25 Mb in and
20 Mb out - maybe not so bad - especially if it's legit traffic.
Openview sometimes treats a full-duplex link like two half-duplex links
merged together: on a T1 running at 1536Kb/s egress it would show up on
reports as 50% utilization when really it's 100% of egress.


Lastly, these warnings are annoying but I don't *THINK* they're causing
any harm.








Derek Gore
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 11:43 AM
To: ntop@unipi.it
Subject: [Ntop] rrdtool and ntop --no-mac


Greetings all,

I've recently been working on a project to setup ntop to the end of
analyzing our network load/traffic so we can better accommodate the
demands of the network. A test case using a simple machine with a single
nic went flawlessly. However, when I set up a more powerful machine with
2 nics to start production monitoring, I started getting warnings from
RRD tool that go along the lines of this:

**WARNING** RRD: rrd_update(/usr/.../ipBytesSent.rrd) error: illegal
attempt to update using time 

                    1109523297 when last update time is 1109523297
(minimum one second step)

I have, of course, researched this problem a little and tried launching
with the --no-mac option as well as configuring via the web interface to
not trust macs. Nevertheless, the problem persists.

The setup is a gigabit switch hooked into 2 nics on the monitoring
computer. One port is mirrored egress, and the other ingress, and I have
ntop set to merge the stats from both nics.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might be able to fix this?

Thank you.

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