Check flow version and flow timeout settings. V5 works well and I set the 
timeout as low as possible for most realitime data


Sent: Sat Jan 10 09:50:17 2009
Subject: [Ntop] NetFlow stats not displayed on ntop v.3.3.9 

Hi all,

I want to monitor netflow only and have enabled netflow on my 7200 and exported 
to the ntop host on port 2055. This is working, i can see the udp traffic on 
the ntop host using tcpdump and i have confirmed that the virtual netflow 
device is listening on 2055.

The plugin is configured correctly, enabled and the reporting interface 
switched to the netflow device yet I do not see any stats at all with the 
exception of Network Flows which shows accumulating packets & traffic for 

If I switch to eth0 I do see stats for traffic on that interface so I don't 
think its a RRD or permissions issue.

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Many thanks,


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