Afternoon friends,

This morning I am looking into a new laptop for one of my clients. (Lost my
corporate IT job a while back to downsizing and started consulting just to
feed the kids - now I really like it!) Trying to find what this guy needs
without spending too much and I found the Dell Vostro. Looks great on paper.
Having been a happy Latitude user for about 10 years I was wondering how the
Vostro compares to the Latitude? Anyone have any thoughts. The Dell line is
about the only place I can get a laptop with either XP Pro or Vista Business
on it from the git-go. All of the other manufacturers make it very difficult
if not impossible to get a business OS installed without having to buy a
separate license and do it yourself. All the big-box stores (something this
client likes) only have Vista Home Premium. Many bells & whistles that this
client will never use and and Home won't join the domain in a few months
when I install a domain for them.

Len Hammond
Hammond Enterprises

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