On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 8:22 PM, Matt Knox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The automatic string parsing has been mentioned before, but it is a feature
> I am personally very fond of. I use it all the time, and I suspect a lot of
> people would like it very much if they used it. It's not suited for high
> performance code, but is fantastic for interactive and ad-hoc work. This is
> supported right in the "constructor" of the current Date class, along with
> conversion from datetime objects. I'd love to see such support built into the
> new date type, although I guess it could be added on easily enough with a
> factory function.

There is a module dateutil.parser which is released under the PSF
license if there is interest in including something like this.  Not
sure if it is appropriate for numpy because of the speed implications,
but its out there.  mpl ships dateutil, so it is already available
with all mpl installs.

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