On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Robert Kern <robert.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 12:47, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Ravi <lists_r...@lavabit.com> wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 30 December 2009 06:15:45 René Dudfield wrote:
>>>> I agree with many things in that post.  Except your conclusion on
>>>> multiple versions of packages in isolation.  Package isolation is like
>>>> processes, and package sharing is like threads - and threads are evil!
>>> You have stated this several times, but is there any evidence that this is 
>>> the
>>> desire of the majority of users? In the scientific community, interactive
>>> experimentation is critical and users are typically not seasoned systems
>>> administrators. For such users, almost all packages installed after 
>>> installing
>>> python itself are packages they use. In particular, all I want to do is to 
>>> use
>>> apt/yum to get the packages (or ask my sysadmin, who rightfully has no
>>> interest in learning the intricacies of python package installation, to do 
>>> so)
>>> and continue with my work. "Packages-in-isolation" is for people whose job 
>>> is
>>> to run server farms, not interactive experimenters.
>> 500+ packages on pypi.   Provide a counter point, otherwise the
>> evidence is against your position - overwhelmingly.
> Linux distributions, which are much, much more popular than any
> collection of packages on PyPI you might care to name. Isolated
> environments have their uses, but they are the exception, not the
> rule.

wrong.  pypi has way more python packages than any linux distribution.
 8500+ listed, compared to how many in debian?
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