On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 6:23 PM, David Cournapeau <da...@silveregg.co.jp>wrote:

> Jarrod Millman wrote:
> >  Just
> > to be clear, I would prefer to see the ABI-breaking release be called
> > 2.0.  I don't see why we have to get the release out in three weeks,
> > though.  I think it would be better to use this opportunity to take
> > some time to make sure we get it right.
> As a compromise, what about the following:
>        - remove ABI-incompatible changes for 1.4.x


>        - release a 1.5.0 marked as experimental, with everything that
> Travis
> wants to put in. It would be a preview for python 3k as well, so it
> conveys the idea that it is experimental pretty well.

I've got to agree with Darren here. 2.0 marks the API break, nothing more,
nothing less. That's what the major number is for.

>        - the 1.6.x branch would be a polished 1.5.x.
No one expects a x.0.0 release to be polished ;)

> The advantages is that 1.5.0 can be push relatively early, but we would
> still keep 1.4.0 as the "stable" release, against which every other
> binary installer should be built (scipy, mpl).
Just push out 2.0 early.

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