On 07.07.2011, at 7:16PM, Robert Pyle wrote:

> .............../Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/numeric.py:1922:
>  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in absolute
>  return all(less_equal(absolute(x-y), atol + rtol * absolute(y)))
> Everything else completes with 3 KNOWNFAILs and 1 SKIP.  This warning is not 
> new to this release; I've seen it before but haven't  tried tracking it down 
> until today.
> It arises in allclose().  The comments state "If either array contains NaN, 
> then False is returned." but no test for NaN is done, and NaNs are indeed 
> what cause the warning.
> Inserting
>    if any(isnan(x)) or any(isnan(y)):
>        return False
> before current line number 1916 in numeric.py seems to  fix it.

The same warning is still present in the current master, I just never paid 
attention to it because the tests still pass (it does correctly identify NaNs 
because they are not less_equal the tolerance), but of course this should be 
properly fixed as you suggest. 


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